I just want to be sure I got this right, when getting an off the shelf Veola hat altered. Currently the hat is some girly looking satin hat, when worn it changes the characters hair to short, coarse auburn covered by frilly girly hat worn a at rakish angle. What I want the hat to actually be is like a sailor's beanie. Insert your own thoughts on looks, so for now will just go with black wool beanie. I have no desire to put feathers or gems in it.
If I am able to make it to the session on the 22nd of March, what exactly is the merchant looking for from me so I can accomplish getting it changed into a beanie? Do I need to come up with how his hair style will now be presented?
Here's the alter I am thinking of.
He has short, coarse auburn hair cover by a black wool beanie with several bangs poking out from underneath it. It's vague I am still working on ideas. Just want to make sure I am going the right direction, and not wasteful of anyone's time at said event. Thanks.
Re: Veola Hats
03/17/2016 07:56 PM CDT
Sorry to rain on your parade, but beanie is not an approved noun for Veola items, nor is it likely to ever be one as 'beanie' is far too modern a term.
-GM Reidyn-
Customer Experience Systems
-GM Reidyn-
Customer Experience Systems
Re: Veola Hats
03/18/2016 10:49 AM CDT
It's not raining on my parade I actually want it to be a cap. I sent you an email GM Reidyn for clarification.
Re: Veola Hats
03/18/2016 03:54 PM CDT
I'm still a bit of a Veola novice and have only had one worked on so far, but Oirisu assured me I did it right, so maybe I can help.
If you have a "hat" currently, you can indeed make it a "cap," which is on the list of approved terms for that kind of Veola lid. You can see the others here on the Veola page here: https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Veola
Your first step is to come up with a simple 15/15/15 description of the item. It looks like you've already done that if you want to go with "a black/wool/cap," but your description also gives you more room to play around if you like: "a black/felted wool/cap," for instance, or "a dusty black/brimless wool/cap." As long as each of the three segments has no more than fifteen characters (including spaces), you're golden.
Now you can play with your three cap styles. Let's say you go with a black felted wool cap. Your first cap style might be "a black felted wool cap with a couple of moth-eaten holes near the crown," let's say; that's your basic design without a gem or feather insert. Then you can figure out how it might change with a feather decoration -- "a black felted wool cap bearing a [feather] set at a rakish angle" -- or gem-based decorations -- "a black felted wool cap studded with [gem] buttons in an array of shapes and sizes," for example.
With each cap style, you also get a hair style, and that's where things really get complex. You already have one idea with bangs, so we'll use that as your first hair design: "He has short, coarse auburn hair cut into spiky bangs that poke out from beneath a black felted wool cap with a couple of moth-eaten holes near the crown." Your next design might give you a dressed-for-the-occasion look: "He has short, coarse auburn hair tamed into submission with some bear grease under a black felted wool cap bearing a [feather] set at a rakish angle." For really formal occasions, you could pull this one out: "He is wearing a black felted wool cap studded with [gem] buttons in an array of shapes and sizes atop short, coarse auburn hair shaved high above both pointed ears." (Or just "ears," I guess, if you aren't an elf of some kind.) You aren't constrained to wearing basic/feather/gem styles with hairstyles 1, 2, and 3, by the way, so think about how these might mix and match in ways that make sense.
Those are just examples, but maybe they can help a bit when you design something that's your own style. Other people are true pros when it comes to Veola designs, so I'm hoping they'll offer some suggestions here as well -- I could stand to learn a thing or two about what to do with my amazing new hats.
If you have a "hat" currently, you can indeed make it a "cap," which is on the list of approved terms for that kind of Veola lid. You can see the others here on the Veola page here: https://gswiki.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Veola
Your first step is to come up with a simple 15/15/15 description of the item. It looks like you've already done that if you want to go with "a black/wool/cap," but your description also gives you more room to play around if you like: "a black/felted wool/cap," for instance, or "a dusty black/brimless wool/cap." As long as each of the three segments has no more than fifteen characters (including spaces), you're golden.
Now you can play with your three cap styles. Let's say you go with a black felted wool cap. Your first cap style might be "a black felted wool cap with a couple of moth-eaten holes near the crown," let's say; that's your basic design without a gem or feather insert. Then you can figure out how it might change with a feather decoration -- "a black felted wool cap bearing a [feather] set at a rakish angle" -- or gem-based decorations -- "a black felted wool cap studded with [gem] buttons in an array of shapes and sizes," for example.
With each cap style, you also get a hair style, and that's where things really get complex. You already have one idea with bangs, so we'll use that as your first hair design: "He has short, coarse auburn hair cut into spiky bangs that poke out from beneath a black felted wool cap with a couple of moth-eaten holes near the crown." Your next design might give you a dressed-for-the-occasion look: "He has short, coarse auburn hair tamed into submission with some bear grease under a black felted wool cap bearing a [feather] set at a rakish angle." For really formal occasions, you could pull this one out: "He is wearing a black felted wool cap studded with [gem] buttons in an array of shapes and sizes atop short, coarse auburn hair shaved high above both pointed ears." (Or just "ears," I guess, if you aren't an elf of some kind.) You aren't constrained to wearing basic/feather/gem styles with hairstyles 1, 2, and 3, by the way, so think about how these might mix and match in ways that make sense.
Those are just examples, but maybe they can help a bit when you design something that's your own style. Other people are true pros when it comes to Veola designs, so I'm hoping they'll offer some suggestions here as well -- I could stand to learn a thing or two about what to do with my amazing new hats.
Re: Veola Hats
03/21/2016 10:36 AM CDT
>Those are just examples, but maybe they can help a bit when you design something that's your own style. Other people are true pros when it comes to Veola designs, so I'm hoping they'll offer some suggestions here as well -- I could stand to learn a thing or two about what to do with my amazing new hats.
I don't know, Lylia. I think you did a pretty good explaining that--I can't really add much. Maybe it's time we up your Veola novice status! For me personally, I always design the hairstyle with the basic idea in mind (not considering the gem or feather side). Long descriptions are also allowed as you'll see from my example below, but sometimes simple is best (Which Lylia pointed out, but I'm too lazy to retype this). As far as the merchant session, you'll need your alter idea and your hair style.
a snug black wool cap
a knitted black wool cap
a fitted ebon paeline cap
<hair> covered by a snug black paeline cap with strands of hair poking out in a haphazard fashion from all angles
<hair> with piecey bangs sticking out beneath the brim of a snug black paeline cap
<hair> tucked back behind his ears and covered by a snug black paeline cap, leaving his bangs poking out from underneath
<hair> pinned beneath a snug black paeline cap, his bangs sticking out in a messy array of tendrils just above his eyebrows.
Visuals help me so here's what things can look like:
Here's one out of Kayse's Veola collection:
(BASIC)a raw silk headband painted with ivory heather blossoms
(GEM-altered) a raw silk headband elaborately beaded into a floral latticework of mistvein ruby
When you analyze the item you'll see the hairstyles you've added (this is from a different veola since it had all the hairstyles filled):
<hair> pulled up in a messy bun beneath a trio of braided dark leather headbands, leaving loose wisps around her face
<hair> pulled back with a trio of braided dark leather headbands into a loose fishtail braid that sweeps over her shoulder, leaving stray strands to brush against her cheeks
<hair> pulled sleekly back from her face with a trio of braided dark leather headbands, leaving soft wavy tresses to tumble down her shoulders
Oirisu is good at helping if you need assistance, having a basic idea though as you do will definitely help.
~Kayse's figment of her imagination.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Riend, "What's the verb for glancing at someone and exhaling?"
(OOC) Farain's player whispers, "I think its kiss farain."
I don't know, Lylia. I think you did a pretty good explaining that--I can't really add much. Maybe it's time we up your Veola novice status! For me personally, I always design the hairstyle with the basic idea in mind (not considering the gem or feather side). Long descriptions are also allowed as you'll see from my example below, but sometimes simple is best (Which Lylia pointed out, but I'm too lazy to retype this). As far as the merchant session, you'll need your alter idea and your hair style.
a snug black wool cap
a knitted black wool cap
a fitted ebon paeline cap
<hair> covered by a snug black paeline cap with strands of hair poking out in a haphazard fashion from all angles
<hair> with piecey bangs sticking out beneath the brim of a snug black paeline cap
<hair> tucked back behind his ears and covered by a snug black paeline cap, leaving his bangs poking out from underneath
<hair> pinned beneath a snug black paeline cap, his bangs sticking out in a messy array of tendrils just above his eyebrows.
Visuals help me so here's what things can look like:
Here's one out of Kayse's Veola collection:
(BASIC)a raw silk headband painted with ivory heather blossoms
(GEM-altered) a raw silk headband elaborately beaded into a floral latticework of mistvein ruby
When you analyze the item you'll see the hairstyles you've added (this is from a different veola since it had all the hairstyles filled):
<hair> pulled up in a messy bun beneath a trio of braided dark leather headbands, leaving loose wisps around her face
<hair> pulled back with a trio of braided dark leather headbands into a loose fishtail braid that sweeps over her shoulder, leaving stray strands to brush against her cheeks
<hair> pulled sleekly back from her face with a trio of braided dark leather headbands, leaving soft wavy tresses to tumble down her shoulders
Oirisu is good at helping if you need assistance, having a basic idea though as you do will definitely help.
~Kayse's figment of her imagination.
(OOC) You quietly whisper to Riend, "What's the verb for glancing at someone and exhaling?"
(OOC) Farain's player whispers, "I think its kiss farain."
Re: Veola Hats
03/21/2016 01:13 PM CDT
Thanks for all the input on this just wanted to make sure no one's time is wasted when I can get this hat altered. I purchased the hat off Shadw0s0ngs and he has been a great help in getting this worked out.
Re: Veola Hats
03/24/2016 07:33 AM CDT
>Sorry to rain on your parade, but beanie is not an approved noun for Veola items, nor is it likely to ever be one as 'beanie' is far too modern a term.
How about a black stocking which can be pulled over my face?
The deathbot will come back eventually.
>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
How about a black stocking which can be pulled over my face?
The deathbot will come back eventually.
>Daid: Pretty sure you have a whole big bucket as your penny jar. You never have only two cents. :p
Re: Veola Hats
03/24/2016 05:02 PM CDT
>>How about a black stocking which can be pulled over my face?
probably get better luck with a moldy rotted nose bandage ...
(Buy your swords at CBD weapons in Zul Logoth.)
Re: Veola Hats
03/25/2016 04:48 PM CDT
Another option for those who want a feature worn item that can be customized to change their hair are some cidolfhus items. They came out before veola and got overshadowed by the veola a bit. But there didn't appear to be any specific limits on nouns(it does reference a few but also says "or something similar"). They also had armor/helmet options that were misc head worn armor. I've got one of those and can show the analysis.
You analyze your mithril barbute and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The barbute does not have any custom feature settings. It can have up to four.
When adding custom feature settings, it will be just like altering your hair quirk (or unique line if you're bald). An example would be:
tucked under a hammered mithril barbute, which is tightly knotted in the back.
He has a hammered mithril barbute covering his bald head.
with a hammered mithril barbute placed at the crown of his head.
He has a hammered mithril barbute placed at the crown of his bald head.
Please note, that if you have the custom settings made for someone bald, it won't look right for someone with hair, and vice versa. You also can't wear this with another hair quirk/unique field altering item to change your features. This item isn't limited to just bandana-type items, it can also be a crown, tiara, visored helm, or something similar.
Custom feature 1: None.
Custom feature 2: None.
Custom feature 3: None.
Custom feature 4: None.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the mithril barbute for you.