Anti-Fashion 01/15/2015 12:13 PM CST
Getting ready for the next Golden Globe...

You see Taverkin Firebelly the Mage of the Winds.
He appears to be a Paradis Halfling.
He is tiny and appears to be extremely young. He has bright green eyes and freckled skin. He has short, curly copper red hair. He has a button nose and a generous mouth.
He has old battle scars on his right arm, old battle scars on his left arm, old battle scars on his right leg, old battle scars on his left leg, old battle scars on his right hand, old battle scars on his left hand, an old battle scar across his chest, an old battle scar across his abdominal area, and a scar across his neck.
He is holding a stout rowan runestaff crowned with a broken shard of amethyst in his left hand.
He is wearing a peaked purple wizard's hat, a royal purple robe embroidered with pale lilac stars and moons, a stubborn frozen mule pin, a faded violet silk tabard bearing a stubborn frozen mule escutcheon, a weathered lilac backpack with a gold-dotted vibrant violet geode buckle clasp, and a plump purple survival kit.

And although he doesn't have a dress to wear for the red carpet, my favorite alteration:

The lilac backpack is constructed of rugged leather stitched together with vibrant violet thread. The clasp of silver is scarred and abraded, layered in grit, its surface tarnished and faded. A gold-dotted vibrant violet geode is set into the clasp, its finish diminished in part by the thinnest layer of grime. The leather is cracked, the stitches are frayed, and in several places small holes have been made. Yet form and function endure. It appears that a firm pull would unseat the geode.
