I got bored the other day and spent a few hours badgering people to come help me check some armor out! I finally got the complete list of each race for this armor. Following are examples.. Note, wear/remove are the same for each race.
Fully Unlocked(I think):
You analyze your augmented chainmail and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
Please keep the messaging in mind when designing an alterations.
This item has the following verbs unlocked: WEAR, REMOVE, RUB, and BOW.
Congratulations! You went to Ebon Gate and all you got was this crappy verb unlocked: KNOCK
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the augmented chainmail for you.
Each race has a different zest for rub, bow, and knock:
Giant -
wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX scrubs at his augmented chainmail, clumsily trying to remove some of the gore.
Bow: XXX pounds his fist twice against his augmented chainmail in a wordless salute to his enemies.
Knock: XXX slams his fist against his augmented chainmail and lowers his head slightly in a show of respect.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
dark elf -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX haughtily brushes his hand over his augmented chainmail, wiping away a stray bit of gore.
Bow: XXX lightly places his hand on the breast of his augmented chainmail and inclines his head in a slight show of respect.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail and sneers in a mocking salute to his enemies.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Half-Elf -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX nonchalantly picks small bits of gore from his augmented chainmail.
Bow: XXX begins to kneel, then snaps a fist to the breast of his augmented chainmail instead and bends at the waist in a bow.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail then extends his arm in a casual, yet respectful salute to his enemies.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Sylvankind -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX fastidiously picks a few twigs and leaves from his augmented chainmail before brushing it off.
Bow: Placing his hand on the breast of his augmented chainmail, XXX drops gracefully to one knee in an elegant bow.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail then extends an empty hand, palm up in a salute to his enemies.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Elf -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX gingerly removes some debris from his augmented chainmail then quickly rubs his hands together with a look of disgust on his face.
Bow: Snapping a fist to the breast of his augmented chainmail, XXX bows deeply at the waist.
Knock: XXX lightly raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail and nods slightly in a salute to his enemies.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Dwarf -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX scrubs wildly at his augmented chainmail. Those ale stains just aren't budging.
Bow: Snapping his fist to the breast of his augmented chainmail, XXX grunts his respect and performs a rudimentary bow.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail while grunting a salute to his enemies.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Halfling -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: Noticing a bit of frosting, XXX runs a finger along a crease in his augmented chainmail scooping it up and quickly gobbles it down.
Bow: Spying a bit of frosting in his toe-hair, XXX adjusts his augmented chainmail and gracefully bows and scoops it up.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail in salute, knocking loose several crumbs.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Erithi -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX gently runs his hands over his augmented chainmail and smiles serenely at the dirt there.
Bow: Placing a hand reverently over his fist, XXX places them against the breast of his augmented chainmail and bows slightly at the waist.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail and gracefully moves into a battle ready stance.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Human -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: Scrubbing briskly, XXX cleans blood and spattered gore from his augmented chainmail.
Bow: Snapping his fist to the breast of his augmented chainmail, XXX quickly moves to one knee.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail in a salute to his enemies.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Half-Krolvin -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX quickly scoops up a handful of grime and scrubs it into his augmented chainmail. How odd.
Bow: Snapping his fist to the breast of his augmented chainmail, XXX barks his respect and performs an awkward bow.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail while barking a salute to his enemies.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Aelotoi -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX rubs his augmented chainmail cleaning off some grime and flexes his wings with a satisfied look.
Bow: Folding his wings against his back, XXX lets them rest gently against his augmented chainmail as he takes an elegant bow.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his augmented chainmail and tenses, folding his wings safely behind him, ready for battle.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Burghal Gnome -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX runs his hand across his augmented chainmail and you hear a muffled "click" and "whir."
Bow: XXX discreetly depresses a button on his augmented chainmail and a series of cogs and gears spin to life, allowing him to bend in a somewhat mechanical bow.
Knock: XXX raps his fist against his augmented chainmail in salute and you hear a sharp click! Strange whirring noises come from XXX and he looks very uncomfortable.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.
Forest Gnome -
Wear: XXX works his way into some loose augmented chainmail girded with steel plates, fitting it comfortably on his shoulders.
Rub: XXX picks at his augmented chainmail, arranging some leaves and dirt just so.
Bow: XXX performs a deep respectful bow and dislodges a few twigs and clumps of mud from his augmented chainmail in the process.
Knock: XXX raps his fist twice against his armor in salute, knocking loose several leaves and twigs.
Remove: XXX removes his augmented chainmail with a look of uncertainty.