We have many people here from Michigan or around thereabouts? Just curious.
Re: Michigan
07/28/2011 09:08 AM CDT
I am in NW Indiana, 15 minutes south of the Michigan border, near South Bend
Re: Michigan
07/28/2011 09:41 PM CDT
I saw your post about visiting South Haven. That brought up some memories! When I was a freshman in college my incredibly large half-indian(from india) roommate, who hated religious people, minorities, women, stupid people, etc etc etc.. and, I found out later, was a stalker and had only gone to that college to continue stalking a girl.. became a cop in South Haven around 2003-2004. He tried the Kalamazoo area, but couldn't pass their psych eval. I always think about him whenever someone mentions South Haven... the year we were roommates I could not figure out why we always had to stop by this apartment complex so he could write down license plate numbers and run them through the police system where he was interning.. all I knew was he paid for the drinks afterwards.
Re: Michigan
07/29/2011 05:24 AM CDT
Sereh, I am also NW Indiana, about two miles from the Michigan border, near South Bend.
I guess we might some of the few people in Gemstone who know about the name Michiana.
I guess we might some of the few people in Gemstone who know about the name Michiana.
Re: Michigan
07/29/2011 11:12 AM CDT
I am in the Land O' Goshen. We should really do a get together sometime. If we can find a time when we are not 1. threatened by tornadoes 2. in the middle of a blizzard or 3. under a dangerous heat advisory
I may ... just may ... be a bit bitter about Indiana weather!
We won't be going back to South Haven for a while, we had a really scary experience up there last summer. (No, it did not involved your ex-roommate) We were swimming in the Lake and suddenly the undertow got really bad, we were exhausted by the time we made it to shore - and we were not very far out there. As we are sitting on our blankets shaking, the park rangers came by to tell everyone to get out of the water, that 2 men had just drowned in the undertow less than 1/2 mile away. So ... we were a little freaked out.
Decided to do Simucon for vacation this year. And frankly, my kids are getting to the age where vacationing with mom is not going to be appealing for much longer (18 and 20). :'(
I may ... just may ... be a bit bitter about Indiana weather!
We won't be going back to South Haven for a while, we had a really scary experience up there last summer. (No, it did not involved your ex-roommate) We were swimming in the Lake and suddenly the undertow got really bad, we were exhausted by the time we made it to shore - and we were not very far out there. As we are sitting on our blankets shaking, the park rangers came by to tell everyone to get out of the water, that 2 men had just drowned in the undertow less than 1/2 mile away. So ... we were a little freaked out.
Decided to do Simucon for vacation this year. And frankly, my kids are getting to the age where vacationing with mom is not going to be appealing for much longer (18 and 20). :'(
Re: Michigan
08/21/2011 09:11 PM CDT
I used to live about an hour from Michigan. Now, I probably live about an hour or so away (if I take the San Diego trolley) from Mexico.
Re: Michigan
08/21/2011 09:35 PM CDT
Missed you at Simucon this year Arlia, and I know I will be jealous of that beautiful weather you will have during the winter in San Diego.
Re: Michigan
09/14/2011 10:39 AM CDT
I just saw this, as there's been a lot going on. I really wish I could have made it to Simucon, but I was lucky to get a summer-only (plus subbing during the school year) job as an ESL teacher for foreigner adults. I do not have an ESL credential, which public schools and a lot of private language schools want, so I got lucky to get the job. The director is also a native Midwesterner and seemed to like that I'm from the Midwest and had some related experience. Summer is the busiest time for the school, so I would have had a hard time even getting one day off. If I end up having more money, I might consider doing that next year, depending on when Simucon is. I'm glad I got the chance to get more experience, as well as meet some interesting people. I continue to keep in touch with former students via email and Facebook and even got invited to visit former students in their country.
Plus, getting this job didn't make me feel as bad about missing Simucon. Missing it for a job you love is a lot better than missing it because of not having the money to attend. I'll try to send some warmer weather with me this Christmas, as I will be spending Christmas in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and possibly a day or two in Toledo. Well, I plan on going to Toledo during my visit, unless there's ice and snow on the roads. Unfortunately, I adapted to the warmer climate, so I can no longer walk outside with just jeans and a T-shirt on if it's a day that Midwesters will call a heat wave in the wintertime.
Plus, getting this job didn't make me feel as bad about missing Simucon. Missing it for a job you love is a lot better than missing it because of not having the money to attend. I'll try to send some warmer weather with me this Christmas, as I will be spending Christmas in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and possibly a day or two in Toledo. Well, I plan on going to Toledo during my visit, unless there's ice and snow on the roads. Unfortunately, I adapted to the warmer climate, so I can no longer walk outside with just jeans and a T-shirt on if it's a day that Midwesters will call a heat wave in the wintertime.