Management Updates 10/01/2015 08:33 PM CDT
Hey everyone, I wanted to talk about the new staff update that was posted to help better explain what’s all happening, because I know there is some confusion. Prior to the changes, I was the APM that coordinated projects with the onsite and offsite staff to work on a specific direction for the game. We were split between customer experience (CE) and development (dev) teams. The work as the APM is a lot of administration work, but there is quite a bit of hands on work that requires a lot of focus.

There are a lot of business-side functions that require a lot of attention, and in order to execute them properly, we really needed to funnel tasks differently. Instead of it being fed from the onsite staff, to the PM, to the APM, we’ve decided to funnel tasks to separate APMs. For a long time, the APM role wasn’t as hands on, but as you can see, productivity is higher with the APM role being more involved with the community.

So we’ve split the APM role into two roles, technical development and world development. Technical development is a lot of the behind the scenes work that goes into building systems, QCing and training staff, and ongoing improvement to the game’s core mechanics. This is the side I will be overseeing now. World development is what breathes life into the game by building communities and the events that we all enjoy. This is where APM Liia is now stepping in and taking over. She’s already been overseeing events, but now she will be working in the same capacity that I was.

Liia and I work well together, and just because we’re overseeing different aspects of this game doesn’t mean we’ll stop collaborating. We will be both involved for the overall direction of the game, but the workload will be shared and split accordingly. And we’ll also have a lot more cross-game teamwork with DragonRealms. Hooray collusion!

~Wyrom, APM

>>They call him Wyrom, not afraid to get dirty; work all day, in game by 5:30; loresongs eloquent, item embellishment, double speed development... ~Silvean

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, Staff Updates and Goals Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.