Current Staff Update 09/28/2015 09:34 PM CDT
We would like to update our player community on some organizational changes in GSIV, effective immediately. We have had several promotions and added a few new names! The roles you're used to have mostly stayed the same. Any updates to specific gurus will be mentioned in the appropriate folders as they occur.

Below is the list of current staff & teams!

World Development and Events - APM Liia
Development - APM Wyrom

World Development:
SGM Galene
ASGM Tamuz
ASGM Haliste
ASGM Auchand
FGM Aiza
FGM Kynlee
FGM Zoelle
FGM Kenstrom
FGM Lydil
FGM Valyrka
FGM Mazreth
FGM Jainna
FGM Hivala
AGM Retser
AGM Elysani
AGM Elidi
AGM Marstreforn
AGM Bessie
GMA Wakefield
GMA Sindin
GMA Ozias
GMA Amplify
GMA Heinous
CGM Izzea
CGM Scribes
CGM Sherlise

Combat and Magic Systems Development:
SGM Coase
ASGM Estild
ASGM Finros
FGM Keios
FGM Konacon
AGM Ixix
AGM Draxun
AGM Viduus
AGM Contemplar
AGM Cyraex
GMA Zissu
GMA Celantur
CGM Mestys

World Systems:
SGM Sleken
FGM Zythica
FGM Modrian
FGM Mikos
AGM Krellis
AGM Donagn
AGM Skhorne
AGM Votary
CGM Reidyn

Staff Training and Support:
SGM Isten
ASGM Kaikala
FGM Xayle
FGM Vanah
FGM Aulis
AGM Scrimge
AGM Flannihan
GMA Palvella
CGM Kveta
CGM Scrimge

APM, Events & World Development

Elanthia's derpiest rolton bleats anxiously!
Speaking to Elanthia's derpiest rolton, you say, "Oh, shut it."

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, Staff Updates and Goals Discussion. To discuss the above, follow the link below.