>Fire lore needs some love now. It doesn't provide enough of a combat benefit to be considered useful anymore once you have 20 ranks.
Hard to disagree. Other than the AS bonus from 950, which is often overkill anyway, fire lore seems to have lost most of its oomph.
I picked up 75 water lore for 930 (which ended up being a mistake but keeping it at least until FIXSKILL reset for some enchanting mana) and dropped fire down to 20, and surprisingly I haven't noticed any real difference from dropping 137 ranks of fire down to 20.
Looking at the lore chart on the wiki, the benefits are overall pretty underwhelming. But that's also the case with most of our other lore benefits too, so I don't have any solutions that Simu would be likely to consider. The double strikes for 917 are nice, but not enough to pick up more fire lore over.
~ Methais