Well, i tend to not even lurk here much, since some of the stuff i see posted here that people propose be added to wizards makes me want to commit acts of violence so grand, that i could probably be arrested for even posting specifics of what and who i'd like to punch, on an electronic medium.
Well, most of you know me. At least i think i do. Well, let's just say, my IC reputation in this game consists of being a meteor happy fella. Truth is different than fiction, mind you. but, i decided to milk that reputation for what it was worth. Tatoos, armor alters, a forced GM interaction that made me meteor swarm the north gate of the Landing...The storyline event in the landing where we went to go rescue slaves, and i wound up sinking a couple of ships in an epically awesome Martin Riggs moment of suicidal braveness. :P
Okay, enough patting myself on the back.
Well, that being said, i had argued for a focused version of Meteor Swarm, along the likes of Sandstorm, i had imagined it being that way with a requisite amount of EMC and possibly earth and or fire lore. Instead of you armchair GMs that would eliminate it completely and replace it, much like Blur when they decided to make 503 Thurfel's Ward.
Well, i'm not here to do that. I'm here to humbly submit for your approval..this.
Now, everyone is aware of the fact that Minor Water, with 20 ranks of fire lore, turns into the totally awesome and epically horiffic minor steam(the crit descriptions make me cringe as a firefighter, since i've seen and felt steam burns a few times over my career)
Submitted for your approval, i'd like to propose an evoked version of spell #510 Hurl Boulder along the lines of minor water. that we can call, Hurl Meteor.
Given the nature of the OG Meteor Swarm, where you get impact and fire damage from the meteors, two things are apparently clear to me. #1, one would probably have to have a pre-requisite amount of ranks in Elemental lore, earth and Elemental Lore, fire. I would probably say 25 a piece.
#2 In terms of nuts and bolts concerns? i can see it being functionally similar to how the ball spells work, I would guess the impact would be the initial amount of damage and the fire damage would come afterwards?
I mean, why the hell not?
I really think that'd be awesome. Even though i have a sneaking suspicion that my humble suggestion means hundreds of man hours of work for some poor bastard who codes for this game, all for a tenth level spell.
I'd love to see some comments on this, especially from our friendly Names in Red.