My questions on the State of Wizardry's future
05/12/2017 11:03 PM CDT
These are the topics I would like answered.
1. Is bolting problem considered answered with tremors addition to combat epb?
1a)Is there any chance for a multibolt single target spell?
1b)Is there any chance that all bolts can be moved into Minor single target element, ball element, major single target element, multi target element, multibolt single target element(s)? This would then allow for these spells to work more like 520 with lores/attuning allowing for all elements. The combination of these spells also will add some more spaces for quality of life spells to be made much like cleric's relieve burden, sorcerer phase etc. My personal desire is for something like levitate.
2. Is there any chance that 519 damage will be looked into again once 317 gets its proper Religion lore boost? I just wish 519 would be a little better. One extra cycle better IMO.
3. Is there any chance that cold snap 512 be reviewed to allow for single cast freeze for shatter possibilities? I tried this in test and it was a mana hog of epic proportions.
4. Is there any chance that 950 could move from earth lore to number of times cast to targets hit and EMC could determine amount of uses in a minute?
5. I think it takes too long for wizards to get to 10k in mana pool. I think all wizards should have a mana pool not just wizards with water lore. EMC should have 1 to 5 bonus for the mana pool. If gift/rp award is added to the mana pool absorption rate then EMC should. I think max for the worst amount of pulses a wizard needs to get to 10k should be 20 hours. Shortest amount should be what it is now. I think the scale is too skewed right now. Considering how the mana pool has to be used for both speeding up enchanting and infusing enchanting flaring potions with water lore to make up for needed elemental lore ranks 10k is less than ideal for speeding up all projects for enchanting. This would be especially true if enchanting projects are now taking longer.
5a) could attunement help out with enchanting flaring items?