Mage Armor when cast at a target attempts to remove the effects of the critters armor by creating an artificial barrier between the body of the wearer and the armor itself. If successful, for the amount of seconds equal to success beyond +101 when CS warded, the armor will have decreasing defensive capability or possibly be negated altogether. This is convenient for removal of AvD as well as protection to any kind of physical attack. The levels of effectiveness removed from the armor is based on the success of the ward with a tier system for triggering the removal. +101-+110 = -25% +111-125= -50% +126-175 = 75% +176 and above up to 100% with a hidden roll for determining how much over 75% will be achieved. The result can stack so that repeated casting with 4 successful wards will remove the armor potentially altogether (though expensive). The spell will not work on magical armor or padded armor.
Re: Spell Update: Mage Armor
03/15/2017 05:06 PM CDT
>Mage Armor when cast at a target attempts to remove the effects of the critters armor by creating an artificial barrier between the body of the wearer and the armor itself. If successful, for the amount of seconds equal to success beyond +101 when CS warded, the armor will have decreasing defensive capability or possibly be negated altogether. This is convenient for removal of AvD as well as protection to any kind of physical attack. The levels of effectiveness removed from the armor is based on the success of the ward with a tier system for triggering the removal. +101-+110 = -25% +111-125= -50% +126-175 = 75% +176 and above up to 100% with a hidden roll for determining how much over 75% will be achieved. The result can stack so that repeated casting with 4 successful wards will remove the armor potentially altogether (though expensive). The spell will not work on magical armor or padded armor.
Sounds decent, just not for 20 mana. :(
~ Methais
Sounds decent, just not for 20 mana. :(
~ Methais