The Wizard conjures an elemental whip into their open left hand which they use to harness their floating disk and fling at the enemy for a combination Maneuver+Bolt attack! The Manuever is that they might be knocked over by the disk and the bolt is equivalent to a blast of Tonis at the stance/AS for the wizard as if they were casting 505. The spell is only activated with 20 Ranks of Air lore and will make no difference of whatever is in the disk for its effectiveness. The knock-down effect is very hard to resist and will always precede the bolt attack immediately coming from the wake of the disk which has just passed by. Ironically, the disk itself will never actually connect with the adversary but either get them to leap out of the way (knocking them down) or the force of the air from the disk approaching and passing by will be the cause of the unbalancing effect. Then the bolt of air following it will take its chanced with the increased odds accompanying the likely knock-down effect. The cool down for the spell is 2 minutes. EVOKING will be the way to differentiate between disk utilities on friendly adventurers versus an assault on a foe.