>>Second, wizards are not primarily CS casters. They do not overtrain MjE prior to near-cap because in order to do so to produce sufficient CS benefits they sacrifice necessary training in other circles. If wizards had a range of CS spells to support the CS specialization, perhaps this would be true. But they don't. And nobody is going to sacrifice other circles to overtrain MjE to use a spell that costs too much mana.
Things change.
>>You are looking at this spell in a vacuum. Don't do that. Look at wizards as a whole and ask yourself if your assumptions are true. Who are these lower level wizards who are going to train fire lore and overtrain MjE just to use immolate?
You're assuming fire lore will be a requirement for the baseline benefit of the spell. If anything I would argue that I'm being more considerate of a broader range of the wizard population than those looking to preserve their current builds. I've no intention of simply confirming a 202 fire lore build and checking a box before turning this over.
>>You may have had more of a hand in that reaction than you think! Again, what do you think is changing that wizards are to have a fully realized CS-based specialization worthy of sacrificing the "normal" training routine? If you were, as Wyrom suggested, working under the auspices of downtweaking one-trick pony spells and adding variation and fun to the class, where are these other CS-based spells that necessarily need to exist in order for players to change their current habits, thus utilizing the changes and supporting your assumption that this is a lateral shift?
I said at the beginning you guys had an opportunity to have a voice into the change, that should be glaringly obvious now. If at the end of the ELR nothing has really changed beyond minor, undesired, lore tweaks then I would feel like the whole thing would have been wasted effort on everyone's part. If at the end we've a lateral shift in power with additional diversity, flavor, and training thresholds as well as an abundance of balanced suggestions that we can use to fill in some of the perceived-short comings, then I feel like that would be a significant win.
You guys are getting caught up in preserving status quo though, and I've been singing the same tune from the start. If 506, 515, and 519 were to disappear tomorrow, what would you want in their place? You (as a class) have never fully answered that question I asked on day 1, but we have 500+ tweak suggestions to 506/515.
I saw 950 as a really nice addition to offset some of 506's current benefits, both defensively and offensively. That didn't originate from a player on this forum after the prompting - but it could have - again missed opportunity because the focus is misdirected.
You mentioning needing additional CS spells for a CS build, when, where, what, how? Clerics only have 2 staples (302/317) why do you need more than that?
>>I'm big on proposing alternatives and I appreciate that they are read and considered. However, you're starting to sound a bit like you're blaming the players for not providing their own nerfs and alternatives. Since when is that their job? I agree they should be active in conceptualizing the future of the class that matters to them, and I appreciate the opportunity to be heard. But let's not go overboard here. If the results aren't popular in the end it won't be the wizard community who chose to make these changes, will it?
I knew this would be coming. We had plans, you claimed to know better, so now you've the spotlight. It doesn't have to be your job, but if you want to eat at the table you should probably at least pick up the spoon. So what's it going to be, same old song and dance or what?