Guild skills and CMANS 06/05/2012 09:08 AM CDT
From what I understand, can guild skill ranks get a greater benefit from having trained in CMANS?

I know you can get 5 ranks of feint for 50 points. You can master tricks at rank 63.
If you master both, why not have a extra benefit?

~Player of Orsu~
Re: Guild skills and CMANS 06/05/2012 11:57 AM CDT

Correct. Basically, if you learn 5 ranks of Disarm via the CMAN system, it is equivalent to having 50 ranks via the guild. Ten ranks of guild equals one rank of CMAN. Same goes for tackle, feint, you name it, anything that we can learn. So essentially, through the guild, it is like having 6.3 ranks of the CMAN, except that you get to use those points for other stuff.

Really, though, while it would be cool to have CMANs be additive with the guild, it'd really almost be overkill, in my opinion. A warrior mastered in tricks doesn't have trouble feinting pretty well any creature, barring those that have warrior-bases and have intrinsic defense to it, and who needs to feint a warrior type creature that walks around in offensive? That's a job for stance dancing, or simple toe to toe.

On the other hand, what you propose might actually help with tackle, since even at mastery it's easy to fail. But of course, as long as tackle retains it's 7 second hard RT, I don't think even that would make it as attractive as it used to be when it was the only knockdown maneuver out there.

In my opinion, a much better change would be to include some ways of reducing the RTs for the maneuvers, rather than increasing your roll. It'd be cool if you could master tackle through the guild, and then get, say, a one second RT reduction per CMAN rank you pile on top of that (to a max, probably, I don't see us doing 2 second tackles if we go for broke). The old excessive RT of tackle problem has been hashed and rehashed. Seven seconds of hard RT for a knockdown is just not feasible when you're hunting places where one misstep invites a void or some other ungodly RT stacking spell when the failure rate is so high.

Of course, rather than making us spend CMAN points on it, I'd also accept them just lowering the tackle RT flat out :)

*Mohrgan grins cheerfully*
Re: Guild skills and CMANS 06/05/2012 02:36 PM CDT
It's just a thought because so many people in semi to pure train in ways to prevent feint or disarm skills. Pretty much makes anything a warrior could do equal. Than again we don't get a million spells because we lose redux. With all the different spells, Warrior kinda need a additive. Maybe RT reduction, stacking CMAN with guild skills. Warriors need a bit of a face lift.

I know warriors are like tanks. I honestly believe that the skills being a tank are lacking effectiveness. I'm glad I can take a whooping but I would imagine tackle would be more effective. Started learning bull rush because it causes more damage at smaller end rolls. Either way you'll end up on your face if you miss.

Feint and disarm are still great skills but tackle should be better. Not alot of critters can train in tackle, and it's still kinda weak.

~Player of Orsu~