The interrealm version of 740 has been broken for at least a week. You get the "peters out" message when you cast it. I have tried it in multiple rooms from which I have successfully used it before, and I have tried it with both chalk that I made with alchemy and chalk purchased from the alchemist.
The intrarealm version is working normally.
Re: Interrealm 740 Not Working
01/22/2018 09:05 AM CST
The interrealm version of 740 has been broken for at least a week. You get the "peters out" message when you cast it. I have tried it in multiple rooms from which I have successfully used it before, and I have tried it with both chalk that I made with alchemy and chalk purchased from the alchemist. |
There's be no change to the spell's code for almost a year and it just worked fine when I tested it. Please provide more details, such as the room (name and description) your teleporting from, the room your teleporting to, and the exact failure message you're receiving. More than likely, one of those rooms is blocking teleportation now. That can happen for any number of reasons, such as ongoing storylines, etc.
GameMaster Estild
Re: Interrealm 740 Not Working
01/22/2018 09:53 AM CST
>The interrealm version of 740 has been broken for at least a week.
I used it this weekend just fine as well
Re: Interrealm 740 Not Working
01/22/2018 10:37 AM CST
<< More than likely, one of those rooms is blocking teleportation now. >>
That's entirely possible. I tested multiple departure rooms, but always the same target room, which is an out-of-the-way room that most people probably don't even know exists. Maybe the target room no longer allows teleportation. I'll try a different target and post again if I still can't get it to work.
Thanks for the response.
Re: Interrealm 740 Not Working
01/24/2018 05:17 PM CST
Estild was correct. My old landing spot has started blocking teleportation. It was the river you get thrown into if you give the barge guard the wrong password. Probably that property changed hands. I thought it was funny to teleport across the world and end up in a ditch.
Re: Interrealm 740 Not Working
01/24/2018 07:26 PM CST
The game does need more ditches.
ASGM Sleken
ASGM Sleken