750 Spell Concept: Summon Horde
04/02/2017 02:24 PM CDT
The Sorcerer summons a horde of demonic beasts to fight for them, protect them and create magical fields for the Sorceror's advantage. The number one thing this spell does is crowd control. This is an answer to MOC on top of being a large cache of magical/combat tools for the Sorcerer. It is a running spell so the Horde will last 20 minutes or whatever until refreshed. I like the idea to give Sorcerer's some big choices to make when learning this spell, for example they select a certain path to take and each casting, bit of experience or whatever is applied to a LONG TERM HORDE experience and training goal. So you actually begin to train and strengthen your horde. I would enjoy a new little spell list but that may be asking a lot. At least their overall power, numbers, abilities would generally rise and perhaps unlock certain capabilities. The selection of a path toward DEMON or NECROTIC hordes will align with your Lore focus. Each Rank of Lore either way will directly apply to the numbers/advantages of your Horde. We may see a huge number of Sorcerers focusing in max lore training with implementation. The spell would be able to have a limited view for noise so other players would not be so bothered, a flag to toggle if you want to see lots of descriptions of actions.
The DEMON horde could be for example something like this. The 50th level Sorcerer who just gets the spell and has 50 ranks of DEMONOLOGY will see their active Demon lead their troop of tiny, fledgling demonic forms. Each will have a small number of hp's and a few mana points probably to start. A baker's dozen form around the Sorcerer and linger on. The Sorcerer toggles the room noise OFF and only gets minimal messaging from the scratching, stinking, loud and cantankerous bunch. They cling to his perimeter like armor but do nothing aggressive to anything around them (other players or critters, npc's). The Sorc does a mana spellup and the horde benefits prodigously from the protections. The experience level and progress, other capabilities of the horde are discerned with the command 'exp 750/exp HORDE'. They are level 0, exp 0 with a max mana of 0 at this point. The Sorcerer hunts with them a month and gains a level with them. The sorcerer casts 750 and checks the experience...they've managed to crawl to Level 3 and have 6 mana together with 12 Stamina. They have some capabilities which are unlocked such as mini-manuevers and defensive strategies: Carnage and Flanking. You can imagine Carnage gives them an ability which will be small at first but grow into a much larger skill where they all attack a foe at random, all at once. Flanking does the opposite where they go behind the foe in tandem with each other to distract them which causes the TD and stance to open up to the Sorcerer for advantages. By 100 the Sorcerer has 101 Ranks of Demonology and has made some training choices to train their HORDE. The casting and exp check lists: Carnage, Flanking, Shouts, Steals (weapons and treasure), Steal Mana, Distractions, Tackle, Soul Drain, Mini-Phase, Minor Bloodburst, Explosions, Mayhem, Devour, Shield, Rush, Battering Ram, Mana Focus, Mana Shield, Curses, Skin Alive...and a host of others. These can be activated directly on command by the Sorcerer or they can be automatically activated by the Horde while in combat with random dROLLS. Their horde has grown to 50 Demons and they have reached level 31 with mana, stamina, hp's to back it up. All this power focuses on their Demon too who functions directly as a translator and battle commander for the Sorcerer who is assuming command over the whole area rather than just a troop of demons. The Sorcerer goes on to level 2x cap. His Horde reachers level 100, they are about 127 strong. Their capabilities continue to unlock into these much higher extremes of training with much increased potency for the Sorcerer to work with. Casting the spell now costs the Sorcerer about 258 mana but refreshing always costs 50.
The Hordes have other utility such as encumbrance management (they carry chests but lose battle capabilities for doing so), mana storage/battery, spell storage, ring setters, they can all get together and carry your corpse if you die (to a set location), they can defeat a foe if you perish on the battlefield then search it then keep you then carry you off.., a special thought net for just Horde mastering Sorcerers to use, they boost odds for Ensorcellment dramatically so that 100th level 100th level Horde Sorcerer will be through the roof on odds and abilities to ensorcel, they can polish your items up (even increasing gem quality somewhat), they can give you a rub down which will assist your recovery times, they can perform tricks/shows for audiences though ghoulish and creepy, they can start fires, they can open doors or gates, they can push things or help you climb/swim, they can go explore in another room to be your eyes there (and possibly set a ring or gather something)...all these with control to the Sorcerer which increases with training.
Just an idear!