Spell Concept: 150 Life Shield 03/14/2017 03:26 AM CDT

The caster infuses their spirit and mana white light which replaces their skin and whenever their blood dips below 0 the shield will break and temporarily stop any bleeding, any wound taking, any prone effects, then 130 is activated. The amount of mana that would be used is three times the cost of 130 making it a total of 140 mana to cast but will be refreshable with 50 mana after 20 minutes. The amount of spirit used to create the shield is 3.
Re: Spell Concept: 150 Life Shield 03/14/2017 09:06 AM CDT
This would be better placed under the minor spirit folder in Magic Spells and Systems. Just fyi.


Keith is correct
-Wyrom, APM

Keith is correct.
-GameMaster Estild
