Lockpick Repair 04/29/2014 09:01 AM CDT
Repairing lockpicks at Edwina's Lockpick Repair shop was the norm for many years, but even Edwina can not repair lockpicks that were broken to many times (5-9 times). Then came lock Mastery skills and rogues could repair their own lockpicks up to about 8-9 times broken. The problem is that after a lockpick is broken 8-9 times it can not be repaired at all, and if not broken, is quite degraded in its ability to open locks, that is it is essentially usless. Recall please, that good picks cost 100,000 silvers and up. Request that a skill for rogues, within the forgeing process and/or Lock Mastry process be able to recycle the old lockpicks and have them become new again. It is just a metal, normally, (yes, even I have glass, tooth and other material lockpicks); and can be melted, poured into a mold (casting) and then shaped as in the Lock Mastery skill that allows a rogue to make a lockpick.

My rogue has been at this for many years and has a nice collection of lockpicks that are essentially worthless, but still show up a very costly items but can never be sold. This fix does not seem to be that complicated as it just needs a lockpick casting mold as in forging and then the casting can be taken to the rogue guild and used as a blank to make a new lockpick as if it was an ingot (bar) of any material that is already on the Lock Mastery list of materials to buy and make lockpicks, in the shop, in most guild workshops.

Second issue, there are many lockpicks, from ages in the past, that are lockpicks and used as such, but now do not indicate they are lockpicks at all. They are clearly lockpicks as the text states that they are, plus I purchased them as lockpicks in the ancient past. These range from from alum ones to many others as well made from different material. None can repaired at all nor be made into lockpicks again as there is not system to recycle them. I have several older alum lockpicks that use to be the gold standard for quality but now are not really that good. But, they can not be repaired or recycled.

The recycleing process is a right thing to do and will add to the skill sets for rogues and other players characters as well.
Re: Lockpick Repair 04/29/2014 09:55 AM CDT
The picking system could certainly use a bit of attention. It really doesn't give proper experience at cap. However the existing repair system has its uses.

I've got a lockpick that has had close to 100 repairs and its very useful. It gives about 75 extra experience each time I use it compared to if I only had fresh picks available.

Most lockpicks are not worth repairing more than once or perhaps twice, but a few are if you are interested in making the most exp from every lock you see.

There are places where broken lockpicks that you have no further use for can be turned into deeds. Its not a good return on investment from the top value picks, but its not nothing either.
Re: Lockpick Repair 04/29/2014 03:34 PM CDT
Agree with you. Scarabs are good for deeds and not as costly as a broken pick. I use copper or steel picks, on most picks as I am sure you do as well. The proposed changes are input because they are easy to develop, and if the programming is tweeked a wee bit molds for making via forging and LM skill that are unique picks that open unique locks can be done as well.