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Re: CM Options for Rangers 07/02/2011 10:10 AM CDT
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Assume lion is surge

Id like this skills. Being able to travel faster. Like knowing short cuts. Like getting form illy to wl faster. Than having to take the main road. Being able to lead a group this way. Not instantly but like a long rt. Then yer there.

Another awsome skill or spell. Being able to track your companion. Say you send it to find so and so. You know what area that is. You track your comp there

Maybe a spell where the reaction time for a companion it removed.

The majority of rangers use ranged. Cman does add to ranged AS. Besides smastery cman points are a waste

Ranger spell/guild idea 07/04/2011 05:04 PM CDT
I kind of like to get rid of the 630 companion idea. why not have the guild be the way we find our companion. Same mechinics and we can work towards the skills to improve command time and such. Doing this would open up 630. For 630 I would love to see a variation of call swarm but with Animals. Think Summon animals in DnD. Using the local animals in that room or somewhere close if we are using 625 a swarm of anaimals come to attack the target instead. This would be more powerful then swarm in that it does the same blocking and such plus damage attackes.
CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 09:08 AM CST
Rangers do not have adequate CM training options. Rogues put us to shame, Bards are better off and only pures are worse. It's not the cost as much as the option of skills: Rangers cannot learn Vanish nor Surge. Vanish could obviously help for a stealthy class and Surge is ideal for an archer, which is a Rangerly weapon class to be sure. If Rogues only have some, could we get something for a Ranger only and adapt some of those nice ones we cannot get into the Ranger list? Is the vanish a 'square' thing as surge?
I don't comprende.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 09:42 AM CST
<<Rangers do not have adequate CM training options. Rogues put us to shame, Bards are better off and only pures are worse. It's not the cost as much as the option of skills: Rangers cannot learn Vanish nor Surge. Vanish could obviously help for a stealthy class and Surge is ideal for an archer, which is a Rangerly weapon class to be sure. If Rogues only have some, could we get something for a Ranger only and adapt some of those nice ones we cannot get into the Ranger list? Is the vanish a 'square' thing as surge?

Rangers don't have Surge or Vanish because they have spells that basically do the same thing. 608 is a ranger's "Vanish" AND it gives you +30 AS. And 606 is a ranger's "Surge". I'm pretty sure it was considered over-powered for ranger's to have both the Surge CMAN and 606. This is why semi's don't have as many CMAN's as warriors/rogues because they have access to spells, much easier, than squares to make up for it.


"You guys took all the pretty places." ~Anonymous
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 09:54 AM CST
Do Rangers actually have worse CMs than Bards? There might be space for another ranger CM if that was the case.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 12:30 PM CST
I second the suggestion of adding a Ranger CM. I understand why Rangers don't get Vanish or Surge, but rangers are primarily physical fighters and having a CM that augments that would be nice. Ideally, I'd like something that can help stunned/webbed rangers get out of those situations (spiders are creatures of nature, too!), and I think it would fit the character class well.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 12:53 PM CST
I'd rather it use a different system altogether. It is high time semis got their guild skills.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 01:07 PM CST
>Ideally, I'd like something that can help stunned/webbed rangers get out of those situations (spiders are creatures of nature, too!), and I think it would fit the character class well.

Isn't that what you get from your companions? They wake up and start fighting effectively if you get stunned?

Assume aspect spider allowing you to eat your way out of a web, the same way spiders do if you web them, would be neat.

Semis get their status relief from spells and you are probably better off that way than with a weak version of stunman, which is what a CM would be.

I see no real reason why coup should be restricted to squares, as long as it cost semis more, I think that would be a good one to open to more classes.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 01:20 PM CST
Agreed! I just posted in the General Discussions folder asking them to give us an active GM. There's obviously a lot of great ideas here but it means jack if there isn't a GM who's willing to take it on.

I'm not sure how busy he is, but personally I'm hoping GM-Oscuro would take on the role. He's been quick to roll out rogue developments (and several, at that!) and has been most receptive to feedback from that profession.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 01:42 PM CST
>I'm not sure how busy he is, but personally I'm hoping GM-Oscuro would take on the role. He's been quick to roll out rogue developments (and several, at that!) and has been most receptive to feedback from that profession.

I'd be careful what you wish for. Oscuro has said that semis are overpowered. You might find that a lot of bugs rapidly get fixed but any new stuff was balanced by some hefty nerfs.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 02:08 PM CST
>Isn't that what you get from your companions? They wake up and start fighting effectively if you get stunned?

IF they're in the same room as you, but since companions move about at their own pace, it's not guaranteed. As it is, my pet always seems to be taking her time getting to the room I'm in when I do get stunned/webbed. More often than not she'll walk in a few seconds after the stun wears off, but while I'm bleeding and prone, which means I can't count on it to at least distract the critter who's getting ready for the kill while I scramble to get up/heal myself. As far as fighting effectively, that's debatable as well. The increased effectiveness seems to only come into play against like-level creatures, which means she still misses all the time even against critters that are 3 or 4 levels above me.

>Assume aspect spider allowing you to eat your way out of a web, the same way spiders do if you web them, would be neat.

That would be cool, but I'm hoping for an option for lower-level rangers, especially when they start hunting Spider Temple. As far as status relief spells, you can't 108 yourself when stunned. Since I can't rely on my pet (surprise, surprise) or casting while stunned, I'd rather have a weaker version of Stunman that at least gives me better odds of survival.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 02:54 PM CST
>That would be cool, but I'm hoping for an option for lower-level rangers, especially when they start hunting Spider Temple. As far as status relief spells, you can't 108 yourself when stunned. Since I can't rely on my pet (surprise, surprise) or casting while stunned, I'd rather have a weaker version of Stunman that at least gives me better odds of survival.

The status relief spells for bards and paladins are 1040 and 1635. Thats the sort of spell level that they become available at. While 630 is similar level, you don't have to spend mana to get your AC to help you, while 1040 for a bard is 40 mana for an attempt to break a condition.

Maybe for 30 mana, you could call your pet immediately to your help?

>summon 630
You cast your thoughts outward in a desperate attempt to call your AC immediately to your aid, but your mind is too scrambled to project a coherent call.

>summon 630
A picture of your companion hurrying to your assistance forms in your mind, and suddenly your AC is at the throat of your enemies.

30 mana, not guaranteed, but if successful your AC immediately appears and attacks.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 04:36 PM CST
>Maybe for 30 mana, you could call your pet immediately to your help?

I really like this idea.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 05:19 PM CST
<<I'm not sure how busy he is, but personally I'm hoping GM-Oscuro would take on the role. He's been quick to roll out rogue developments (and several, at that!) and has been most receptive to feedback from that profession.

My guess is that Oscuro is knee-deep in monk stuff right now.


"You guys took all the pretty places." ~Anonymous
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/04/2011 05:44 PM CST
>30 mana, not guaranteed, but if successful your AC immediately appears and attacks.

This still wouldn't be comparable to a bard or paladin.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/05/2011 08:01 PM CST
I agree, we don't need more CMAN's, we need guild skills that involve these key ideas:

- Companion Training
* New style attacks?
* Searching for people?(similar to wiz familiar output)
* Tracking down herbs? (for all of us who prefer not to use 3rd party help)

- Survival Skills
* Pitfalls
* Snare Traps
* Fill in the blanks
* Poison crafting (For weapons,armor spikes? :D)

- Our own version of stealth moves
* A way to kneel/stand in the shadows
* Casting spells from hiding? Would probably only be limited to defensive spells.

I'm not sure of the camp fire thing was ever implemented. I remember hearing back in ... 05? An idea about having our own version of minor sanctuary (or possibly major), that would pretty much be when we made a camp fire that would scare off monsters and give you a comfortable place to rest.

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/05/2011 08:19 PM CST
>An idea about having our own version of minor sanctuary (or possibly major), that would pretty much be when we made a camp fire that would scare off monsters and give you a comfortable place to rest.

This is just a copy of the auctioned tinderbox that did exactly that.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/05/2011 10:04 PM CST
"* Tracking down herbs? (for all of us who prefer not to use 3rd party help)"

I love this idea. Tell com to find acantha leaf....companion sniffs about finds nothing and heads north. Give is a 3 second rt and let it wander till it finds it.

Just neat.

Companion runs around in circles,, flies what not pointing at the acantha leaf. Bonus to forage whatever.

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/06/2011 02:27 PM CST
lots of cool ideas for Ranger Guild skills.

takes a lot of GM resources tho, and then what about Bards?

player of Fremie

Mirayam says, "You are not a rogue, sir."

Mirayam exclaims, "You are noble!"
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/06/2011 04:29 PM CST
How about a guild skill that allows you to assume an aspect while stunned or webbed, with the spell unprepped, for a 75 mana cost?


>assume spider

>You shake off the remnants of the webbing!

~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox

You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/06/2011 07:41 PM CST

>assume fish

You swim away easily!


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/07/2011 01:57 AM CST
I like this a lot! Very cool!

player of Fremie

Mirayam says, "You are not a rogue, sir."

Mirayam exclaims, "You are noble!"
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/08/2011 09:20 AM CST
Well I am really into the traps idea. I like it for a spell or a CM but mostly as a spell. Maybe CM can play a part in how effective or what tier traps are available on top of lores making a difference?
As far as 606 and 608 being the reason against Surge and Vanish, I guess it is not convincing to me. So what? Rangers get a slight boost to AS? They spend more for CMans and it's more expensive to boot. They have very few options to CMans. Hard to earn and few to burn points for. Vanish is good for getting out of danger. Why is that overpowered?

\"I'd be careful what you wish for. Oscuro has said that semis are overpowered. You might find that a lot of bugs rapidly get fixed but any new stuff was balanced by some hefty nerfs."

Man, every time I look they are implementing something eventually but it comes with nerfs! The dreaded NERF is about as obscene to me as the words 'over powered' or the dreaded 'op'd'!

First of all, why the hell is it so wrong to have powerful characters? Why do I want to play this game and spend time to get to 100th level? Is it because the game is less or more fun when I can do more with my characters? You made 7x the cap, took spirit boosts from Halflings, made 130 sickening, turded on MD and made enchant a drag. A lot of good stuff has come in and I laud Simu for that but why do you take away? Get the hell outa here with 'balance' because you are not making a different class worse by making another class better and critters are tough enough as it is, God sake. Do you hunt Temple on Teras? I could use more power, thanks.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/08/2011 02:22 PM CST
To chime into this, and please correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't think us rangers want surge for the AS, I'm sure all of us are proficient at killing our targets.

It's really the additional benefits that come with increased AS

- Quicker Firing Time
- Encumbrance Issues

Those 2 are pretty much all I'd care to see be added into phoen's strength through lores or somethin.

And if people want to complain about duration, I'd be willing to make it a non stackable spell, only refreshable. 6 Mana is no problem to me.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/08/2011 02:39 PM CST
>It's really the additional benefits that come with increased AS
- Quicker Firing Time
- Encumbrance Issues
>Those 2 are pretty much all I'd care to see be added into phoen's strength through lores or somethin.


I think before asking for improvements, one should research the spell list.

Phoen's Strength (606) is a selfcast spell that grants the caster an effective +10 strength bonus. This translates to +10 Physical AS, a bonus to encumbrance, cocking crossbows, and firing roundtime bows for the duration of the spell.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/08/2011 08:09 PM CST
lol I understand, but we get just +10, whereas Surge is +16.

Jes sayin, yeah 6 may not seem like a lot, but I think that extra +6 could shorten a fire time by 1 second, or help reduce extra encumbrance.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/09/2011 12:24 PM CST
We shouldn't have access to CMAN SMASTERY because we have 601, 608, 617, and 650 boosts to hiding. Rogues shouldn't either because they can 3x train in hiding.

It's obviously designed for bards or empaths.

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/10/2011 09:29 PM CST
I thought we were an afterthought addition to SMASTERY as it was? I want to see some of the other general use cmans opened up more- trip/charge, coup, etc.


Shop my shops:
Corlith in the landing:
Arcania's Arms in Vaalor:
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/11/2011 08:53 PM CST
>I thought we were an afterthought addition to SMASTERY as it was? I want to see some of the other general use cmans opened up more- trip/charge, coup, etc.-Corlith

I was being sarcastic by extrapolating on THEFARMER's justification for rangers not having access to surge or whatever it is (rangers obviously shouldn't have it because they have 606). I just thought it was funny because we have access to SMASTERY, and we have more hiding boosting spells than anyone other class in the game (4...or 5 if you count 611..and 6 if you count a focused cast of 609). If you make me explain another of my jokes, there are snowballs in your future if I see you anywhere near a pile of snow.

Honestly, tho, I don't give a crap about any of the CMANs. Like a lot of rangers, I just train in them so that critters have more difficulty disarming/sweeping me. We don't really have any that are very useful offensively (compared to other options).

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/12/2011 08:29 PM CST
>If you make me explain another of my jokes, there are snowballs in your future if I see you anywhere near a pile of snow.

Ooops , you're on to me.

>We don't really have any that are very useful offensively (compared to other options).

Shocked I am, yes shocked!

Shop my shops:
Corlith in the landing:
Arcania's Arms in Vaalor:
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/12/2011 10:29 PM CST
To back Murp up... if the snowball doesn't get you. His roshambo of death will. The man's undefeated!
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/15/2011 04:09 AM CST
Pfffttt, murp, I remember when the vreen? were around making copies of everyone. The Murp vreen was the easiest by far!!!!!!!!snicker

Shop my shops:
Corlith in the landing:
Arcania's Arms in Vaalor:
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/15/2011 07:25 PM CST
>Pfffttt, murp, I remember when the vreen? were around making copies of everyone. The Murp vreen was the easiest by far!!!!!!!!snicker

That is libel!

Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/16/2011 12:57 PM CST
Vanish Alternative Idea:

While in RT, with 608 set to a special parameter.

When something attempts to swing at us, the attack is negated and we auto cast 608.

Cost to stamina would be RT * 10, and Mana being.. well 8 mana. :P

Just throwin that out there.
Re: CM Options for Rangers 02/16/2011 03:34 PM CST
>Vanish Alternative Idea:

We have WoT. This would be overkill.


That's just what we want, criss-crossing furrows all over the town streets from someone wandering through with their animated plow super buddy.

Re: CM Options for Rangers (Longer then I originally intended) 02/16/2011 05:06 PM CST
I am with Evarin and Djgreene on this we do not need cmans.

Assume aspect and our companions, although they need some definite improvements and some tweaking offer all the cmans offer. Perhaps more then a 90 second duration as a 50 mana base, and 25 for the second assume is very expensive to use as a defensive spell, but all the benifits being suggested are or SHOULD be there in those two spells. they just require some better development and casting ahead of time rather then as a reaction; Owl- +20 TD, Bear huge stamina, lion massive strength, theres one for dodge, block, agility, dext, stealth and almost every useful boost the cmans offer. Your companion if working correctly should help with the rest (would be nice though, to tell the companion to free the ranger from a web, or have it instictively nudge you if you are calmed or stunned as a kinda.. are you alright?.)

Rangers should have some specific abilities that are class related but really modifications of EXISTING skills or spells. I have always thought an ability to find there own temporary paths, such as going around lakes, or having waypoints on longer trails that they can move directly to should be natural to them as rangers gain skills. ( Ranger x can see the top of mountain x, and should have the skills to walk somewhat directly to it, not need a proven trail all the way around, but its somewhat like fogging, so I can live with that at least till we have a working guild) Although I like my version better, tweaking minor spirit teleporting spell to have different messaging when cast by a ranger, and adding a perception based seed chart reducing side effects/rt/accuracy (when cast by rangers) to represent the potental for accurate trailblazing and spotting revitalizing herbs or plants on the way, would offer probably 1/2 of what I suggested and would make it a much more attractive spell to me at least.

NEW skills should be more unique and specialized reflected through the guild or solely ranger based.(ranger only foragables, ranger made bows, the ability to make animal/flower scents or musks for a variety of reasons, ranger recipies and uses for mushrooms, wood carved imbedables not just sticks, reduced RT for muddy trails or bogs, the SENSE verb offering more, a power of nature rogue/warrior or warcry type offensive skill that affects certain creatures) Skills that further develop and allow better diversity within the class. This doesn't mean they can't offer things cmans or other options do, there just based on a different system and more ranger designed. Ranger scents or musks, could be of many kinds, aid stealth if poured on you (make you stink in town), cause distractioning scents to creatures if smashed on the ground. moderatly easy to make mushroom or plant recipies might create poisons, sleep drugs, be rubable on blades for short durations offering a variety of effects, have short temporary effects on your skills,(longer then cmans, shorter then potions.) a whiddling skill, carving imbedables that offer a wider usage and look cool, ( a carved imbedable combined with the right mushroom recipe, the correct scent,, then imbued, could offer those benefits of each as a magic item,) sensing for a particular plant that fits the environment. Sense Fruit, Sense Flower, Sense Herbs, you can sense signs of... based on your foraging skills and the difficulty of the plant to find controlling what you see.
I am all for anything to improve rangers, but some cmans in addition to what we already have in spells would throw them out of alignment. One of the sadest moments I had in GS, was when I saw the massive archery surge in Rangers. Maybe it was because I was using a bow long before most of those changes, but the diversity and number of different weapon choices rangers made almost vanished as a result. I also feel that sometimes you have to choose which way your going to train and some people choose not to learn assume because they want to get other skills first. Thats fine, but keep in mind asking for cmans or other adjustments to improve skills that a ranger lacks because they trained for physical skills not the full spell set isn't much different then those that put the points into learning spells and say they dont like how there physical skills suffered. As I said to start with, a properly working assume aspect spell, and animal companion SHOULD offer all we need for cmans. If tweaks need to be made it should be to those spells to make them more useful or appealing, and rather then just opening skills like the cmans to rangers, take existing systems and tweak them to make more rangerly modified versions. I would think most of those things I suggested for new skills can be created from a very simple version already existing and offer much broader class specific designs. A much smaller Alchemy type system for most of the scents or mushroom things, combined with an easily modified imbue and resist nature for the imbedables, and a modified fletching to create the carving wood skill. Probably the messaging and QC aspects are more of a bear then the creation of the systems.
Re: CM Options for Rangers (Longer then I originally intended) 02/17/2011 09:32 PM CST
Alrighty, so instead of CMAN's, how about to throw in the guild: Companion Calls

Companion Calls would kinda be like... Trainable CMAN's for our Companions. Could either set up a system for companions to have Stamina based on criter size + 3 per level. Or perhaps just run off the users stamina.

Description: Your companion and your companion launch an attack simultaneously.

Description: Your companion engages in an enemy, constantly diverting its attention. -25 DS penalty for the target. (Enemy pretty much doesn't consider you as a target for 15 seconds).

Description: Your companion either releases a chemical, or an intimidating growl or roar. All those not linked to the party suffer a droll. upon success, target(s) flee the room.

Description: Your companion attempts to move you an adjacent room.

Description: You and your companion have 10 seconds to kill an enemy target. After target is killed, you both rally in victory to boost each others courage. Result: Minor AS/DS/DODGE bonus to group.

Limitations kinda high? Sure, why not? Don't have to be like every other guild where at 15 you start learning all the cool stuff. This would just be one of those thresholds you'd have to climb too in life as a ranger.

And I know a lot of you late rangers might be saying, "Oh that's not what we need right now. Etc, etc..." However not everyone here is 80+ just sayin =\
Re: CM Options for Rangers (Longer then I originally intended) 02/17/2011 09:42 PM CST
Neat. I love the idea of guild skills relating to our companions.

~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox

You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
Re: CM Options for Rangers (Longer then I originally intended) 02/17/2011 09:44 PM CST
Neat idea.


Speaking to you, the ghostly voice of Kaedra asks, "Have I ever told you, I think you're crazy?"
The ghostly voice of Kaedra says, "That was an insane rescue."
Re: CM Options for Rangers (Longer then I originally intended) 02/17/2011 09:47 PM CST
And it hits two birds with one stone: it improves companions and it offers some trainable guild skills.

~ Nuadjha, the Briar Fox

You inhale deeply upon your pipe, puckering your lips as you send out three rings of smoke before you, then puff out a small vine of smoke that darts right through all three which causes them to disperse in a hazy shroud!
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