change id like to see for 608 01/20/2016 07:31 AM CST

I'd like to see the spell have a lore based ability to allow the ranger to cast 608 while in RT or stunned, via a beseech, or evoke command.

the higher your lore skill, the higher the amount of RT can be over come,
25 ranks lore allow over come 5 sec rt / 1 round stun,
50 for 10 sec rt / 4 round stun,
75 ranks to over come unlimited rt / 8 round stun.

Rangers are the only semi that have no way to break a stun.
Re: change id like to see for 608 03/30/2016 09:03 PM CDT
Kind of like a magical VANISH. I like it. Blessing lore would be the obvious choice.


Brinret says, "Bring it on."
A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Brinret!
... 16428101 points of damage!
Powerful blast reduces Brinret to a smoldering pile of ash!