Most professions have a Get out of Jail Free ability. Some have more than one. Clerics had none and were due one for balance reasons. I think only Rangers completely lack one now, though the monk one isn't worth the CMan points to train it. 319 is restoring not upsetting a balance. |
So just for fun let's go through the professions:
Warriors - Berserk
Rogues - Vanish
Monks - Inner Harmony
Bards - Troubadour's Rally
Paladins - Divine Intervention
Sorcerers - Cloak of Shadows
Empaths - Troll's Blood and Regeneration
Clerics - Soul Ward
Wizards - Alright Rath I'm stumped on Wizards, but let's be honest, if we want to add anything to wizards the dev team will want to nerf Haste and Rapid Fire first.
What does this have to do with 650? It should be rangers emergency spell! I propose the following changes to 650:
- ASSUME usable while incapacitated
- ASSUME (animal) will cast the spell with the appropriate form even if 650 isn't currently active
- The following aspects remove the corresponding status effect upon ASSUMEing and provide immunity to the status:
* Spider - Web
* Serpent - Poison
* Yierka - Disease
* Jackal - Fear
* Hawk - Silence
* Mantis - Bind
* Burgee - Stun
* Panther - Curse (It's a black cat!)
Don't think I missed any statuses. Yes I understand that we could easily just remove poison and disease with spirit spells cheaper. Thoughts?
Be nice to Wyrom or I will cut you!