Idea I had for Rangers... 09/28/2012 09:25 AM CDT
How about a skill to compliment SENSE, that works off character levels and Survival skll?

TRACKing, rangers would be able to study the enviornments and track down certain critters. Maybe have an increase of the spawn rate for the specific critter sought on a successful TRACKing attempt sorta like 1235, except it only effects one type of critter instead of all critters. Perhaps it could assist with AG tasks (finding that particularly dangerous critter faster, or locating lost heirlooms quicker), or even finding a specific player character.

A few more ideas, TRACKing could help direct a lost ranger in the correct direction when looking for a town or hunting area (simliar to DIRECTIONS), the ability to recognize signs of enemies in the area (estimation of what critters and how many, similar to sorc demons SCOUT ability), locating dead bodies, or finding warcamps faster.

I was thinking along with TRACKing, game animals could be relased. Assorted types of rabbit, deer, bears, raccoon, birds, etc...that we could track & hunt...and then feed to our animal companions of course, or use the feathers for fletching, skinning, etc.

You know now that I think of it, this would make an awesome guild skill...what do y'all think?