100th Level Spell 06/17/2017 04:33 PM CDT

The Paladin assumes the powers directly of a deity themselves, raising attributes and enhancing their appearance with the various characteristics of the Arkati. They gain the ability to SUMMON the deity for various magical benefits through an apparition.

A few examples from the list on Wiki in order:

Charl Arkati Liabo sea, storms an emerald trident on a field of blue Bane Electrical

If the Paladin wields a Trident/Pole-arm, large bonus. Paladin becomes fused with blue spiritual energy and flickers. Their STR/DEX are enhanced and they become able to breathe underwater. They are surrounded by a churning seastorm overhead which erupts electricity (call lightning strikes) at foes or flares. They can use the deity called to summon a tidal wave from nothing, a sea of killer squid and sharks to fly into the battlefield onto non-joined for combat, or a breath of sea wind to blow them around.

Cholen Arkati Liabo humor, festivals, performing arts a crimson lute on a field of gold Smite Puncture

The Paladin gains a golden aura of humor and affluence with a constant hum. If joined with a Bard, the Paladin gets all the benefits of the Bard spells they are running as if they are the Bard/caster! The Cholen influenced Paladin will use their flare for drama and fun to combat enemies and inspire more victories. Smite/Puncture goes way way up. The Paladin gains an ability to 'laugh off' pain and damage-- huge defensive boost. A heroic festival forms around the Paladin in a vapory illusion with just hints at what is going on with sounds of erupting applause and Paladins doing various things with bards for audiences to be inspired. This constant festivity generates a rise in INF and AUR. When summoned, the Cholen vision will be able to distract their opponents, generate a Bard to come and fight from the spirit world for a while and if they are lucky, Cholen might perform a special dance which charms those in the battlefield for a momentary (60 second?) boost to AS/DS/TD/CS/CM with some 'charmed' foes!

Eonak Arkati Liabo labor, craftsmanship, triumph over adversity a golden anvil on a field of brown Smite Disruption

The Paladin's armor all becomes gold and if soft leather, will appear as gold leather. Any Eonake metal weapons or armor gain a 3x running enchant over their normal ET. The Paladin's STR CON go up. Their blows gain a SMITE warding 'flare' so that it may trigger the Cleric spell Smite with a physical strike. The spirit of Eonak physically inflates the Paladin to being much larger than they were before thus inspiring running bonuses for AS and DS as well as raising the same for those joined from the considerable boost to their spiritual strength. Summoning Eonak can make an anvil strike so that a sword is pounded on an anvil by a blacksmith and the red hot sparks fly out for plasma damage on foes (a much more intensive and powerful attack than it may sound, is intended). Eonak can temporarily boost the entire party's AS by +35 for 60 seconds. Or Eonak can rally your forces to restore mana, hp and return from stuns/bound states.

Imaera Arkati Liabo healing, autumn, nature,
plants, animals, harvest a golden sheaf of grain on a field of green (farmers)
a brown doe on a field of green (Sylvans) Smite Puncture

Paladin turns green, brown and grows leaves with golden lips. A ghost animal appears off in the distance as if comfortable always at a distant following the Paladin. The Paladin's PUNCTURE wounds go way up and they gain the above mentioned SMITE effect on physical strikes. AUR and LOG go way up. The ghost animal constantly present will dart in and out of the battle knocking foes over and licking wounds to help your group, casting Sounds and making RT/distractions. Summoning Imaera grows a large flickering illusionary forest from which the Paladin may find refreshing or battle enhancing items (I like really random stuff like a fruit that gives +7 to Spiritual Mana control or another Cleric / Rangery thing). A stream may be called from the forest to ensconce the Cleric which will be impossible to cross for any foe while the Cleric gains mana and patches themselves up. The Cleric may attempt to shove some of their adversaries into the forest who fall into the illusion as if in a r'oaters belly. Imaera may come out as a fairy and sprinkle magic all over the Paladin's group for some enhancement of their stats.

Jastev Arkati Liabo visual art, prophecy, poetry a black artist’s brush on a field of grey
a silver crystal ball on a field of grey Smite Steam

Paladin becomes a silvery mirror-like form and their weapons/armor all are encased in a silvery glow. A rainbow begins and ends around the Paladin's shoulders and head. DEX INF go up. A crystal ball appears very very tiny above the head and rainbow of the Paladin and in the ball is focused a lot of power from the rainbow. When the Paladin is attacked, the crystal ball may focus a beam of light at the enemy just before or stopping some of the damage on the Paladin or in their group. A 'defensive flare'. The rainbow effect also gives them a bright light and vision to the future which gives them a large bonus against CM and to DS. Summoning Jastev will have him paint the enemy, recite a poem or rewrite their destiny into a foreboding prophecy to their doom. Painting the enemy will attempt to paint their body out of existence. Their fates may be altered if Jastev grants a vision to a prophecy involving them dying or being wounded, etc. A poem will boost the groups AUR/AGI by +25 for 60 Seconds.