Why not make a single player version of the game?
Tweak it, consolidate it, ratchet it down, and release it on Google Play.
Make it Phone friendly.
Enough said.
Re: Single Player Mode
06/26/2016 04:29 PM CDT
I predict, and this is just a prediction, but that it would be the top grossing, most played MUD on Google Play, for like 20 years to come.
Re: Single Player Mode
06/28/2016 03:19 PM CDT
They could put Seymour, Sorrow, Berr's mecthar, and Thalior's eye & staff into the treasure hopper of every single instance of the mobile version.
It's GENIUS! :)
It's GENIUS! :)
Re: Single Player Mode
06/28/2016 03:42 PM CDT
Magic-item eating pouch. Give it a brand new ruby amulet, say (normally 3 rubs) and it will store 150 mana. When you rub the pouch, it will give you back mana, up to your max, from its pool.
Awesome item.
Awesome item.
Re: Single Player Mode
06/28/2016 06:07 PM CDT
>>up to your max, from its pool.
Up to 2x your max, actually. And yes, very cool.
Up to 2x your max, actually. And yes, very cool.
Re: Single Player Mode
06/29/2016 12:39 PM CDT
Good thing it doesn't go higher than that, because I've blown the head off my Bard absorbing too much mana. :)