Suggestion for referrals 06/08/2015 09:11 PM CDT
I know I've read previously that GMs do background work on a referral before coming down and meeting the player about the issue. It's been a while since I've had one (though I've got one now on an alternate), so if the idea I'm proposing is already implemented, just ignore me.

What I would like to suggest is that when a GM starts working on a referral, a notification is sent to the player so that way they know not to log out on that character. If the player is aware of any need to get out of game in the next few minutes, they can send a reply back (probably via report) to the GM letting them know that they have to log out, so the GM can move on.

This allows players to reduce uncertainty about service time while preserving current processes.

Just a thought.

- Player of Kembal

Speaking to Plur, Belnia says, "You're no Kembal."

[Roll result: -2112 (open d100: 82)]
A giantman thief crouches and sweeps a leg at you, but only manages to trip himself.
Re: Suggestion for referrals 06/09/2015 11:13 AM CDT
Not really feasible as our research for each referral could take just a few minutes or require consulting with someone else on staff, which could be a delay of days depending on availability. If we finish doing our homework and you're no longer in game, we'll log those findings so the next GameMaster to catch you can just jump right down and resolve your referral. Conservation of research!

ASGM of Events and Festivals
Re: Suggestion for referrals 06/09/2015 01:21 PM CDT
Ok, that works. Makes me feel better about logging out if I'm getting bored on that character then. :)

- Player of Kembal

Speaking to Plur, Belnia says, "You're no Kembal."

[Roll result: -2112 (open d100: 82)]
A giantman thief crouches and sweeps a leg at you, but only manages to trip himself.