Newbie questions: Character creator and Genie issues. 04/20/2015 12:37 PM CDT
Hello! I'm playing use SF. But while playing I cannot check in at the Inn. Clicking skill goals or entering CHECK IN will show "Launching web thing..." but nothing happens. I tried the browser client and got better results after I took off the popup blocker. I didn't get a chance to try it on SF to see if that was the issue there.

Anyway, I'd like to use the character creator, but it's not working. I can only do the text-based one and help with that? I already retired my character and I was hoping I could make the character using the graphic creator. I was debating just Deactivating the character, and then recreating. But, I wanted to use the same name.

Also, does anyone use Genie? I bought it for DragonRealms, but the tipping point was finding out that I could use it for GS and possibly MO. Does anyone have any experience using it with this game? I'm going to post of the Genie forums soon. Just adding this since I'm here.

Also, I'm a huge RPer. How do I get involved? I've been looking at the Obsidian Tower House, is it still around? The last post I saw was in 2011 or so. So far, I got into some small talk type, day to day RP. But I was wondering if there are any big (or smaller, player run) character development type plots going on. I asked this because I saw a video of a guy in DR. Mass killing of all known thief guild members, kidnapping and suicide bombings! Seems exciting!



I can resist anything but temptation.
AIM: EzBreezi82
Re: Newbie questions: Character creator and Genie issues. 04/20/2015 01:21 PM CDT
Oh and I'd like to play a Dark Elf. If I choose to pick my culture later, am I at any disadvantage? Also how would I do it when I finally decide?


I can resist anything but temptation.
AIM: EzBreezi82
Re: Newbie questions: Character creator and Genie issues. 04/20/2015 01:44 PM CDT
Hi there, IBREEZY! I'm going to see what I can do to cover some of your questions. Others will be along to help out, too, I'm sure.

SF is a solid choice, and indicates you're using a Windows based system - and might be using Internet Explorer as the web browser. Not allowing pop-up windows will definitely affect the character creation process, and might hamper the training (skills) process. Definitely turn it off while you're in the lands. Alternatively, I'd encourage you to consider an alternate and perhaps slightly friendlier browser for the task - perhaps Firefox, or Chrome. IE went down an odd path in Windows 7 and 8, and from my understanding won't be bundled as a core component in Windows 10. Time will tell, but I suspect you might be happy with a different browser, if your experience to date is IE.

If you want to use the same character name, you should be able to use the 'in-game' character manager. You need to be at the front desk of your local inn, and type 'check in' in the game command line. You should see an option - 86 (a joke for the older crowd). That option should allow you to reroll / start over completely. Just be sure you have nothing of value on the character, because 'start over' literally means that. Here's a link with what you should expect to see in the game.

I haven't used Genie in decades, and in truth I'm not sure you can actually access the game from Genie. Since Simutronics went to the web, I think all of the vendor-specific game connections were closed. I'm sure you could use Genie's boards, and as a general ISP you'll be able to use the connection to get to the game. But I don't believe it is required.

Dark elf, eh? Oh, well. . . really, I jest. You're not required to pick any culture, ever - and you can pick one at any time. Culture can be a great guiding precept to how you might want to roleplay your character, or it might be that you want to start roleplaying and then see which culture best fits what you're actively protraying. Gemstone supports both - so take your time!

As far as RP, there are a wealth of activities going on. There are the smaller, chance encounter activities, and then there are major storylines, some of which have been progressing for years. Check out the Quests / Sagas / Events topic on these forums for some insights. Also, check around some of the Dark Elf specific information on the GSWiki (you can use the same link above and search from there). The Obsidian Tower does in fact still exist, but has quiesced a bit of late - Those sneaks are probably planning something major. The Landing is beset by political intrigue on the heels of several failed ambitions led by small local despots, and is now headed towards a massive interaction (good? / bad?) with the human empire it is nominally a part of. The dwarven mines of Zul Logoth are beginning to attract attention again, societies with specific goals of eradication abound. . . and somewhere, there's a nearly forgotten Arkati that needs to be heralded. And don't forget to check out each town's specific topic, for even more information about what's happening in each little corner of the lands.

In short, there's much to do! The key is doing it consistently - whether engaged in a small day-to-day, or a massive, epic endeavor. But, as a fellow-RP'er, I'm sure you know that - so pick your poisons from amongst the Quests / Sagas and Events area, and check out the Wiki. Let the good times role!

Re: Newbie questions: Character creator and Genie issues. 04/20/2015 02:22 PM CDT
That you so much for the reply. I will definitely look around in that folder.

Also I have one more question. I wish I could go back and edit the last post. Anyway, I am kind of confused about leveling skills. When the wiki says X trains per level. I can only train before I level up again? So I continue getting experience and never CHECK IN to train, have I lost those cheaper trains?

Thanks again!

I can resist anything but temptation.
AIM: EzBreezi82
Re: Newbie questions: Character creator and Genie issues. 04/20/2015 02:45 PM CDT

You're most welcome. I agree, editing posts would be a nice addition to our forums - but it could also make it difficult to keep track of material already read. So part of me wishes we had it, and part of me doesn't. But I'm complex like that.

In answer to your question about skills training - not at all! Think of it this way - the number of times a level you can train tells you what your ceiling is with that skill. So let's say as an example you're going to play a dark elven warrior who wants to become somewhat proficient in magic (a very long road, very niche case, and yet in Gemstone, very do-able). And you're worried because the Magic Item Use skill ( to wave wands and use various magical items ) is very expensive, especially at early levels in the game.

So you decide you're going to focus your magical studies in your second millennium of training (because you're an elf, you can get away with thinking like that). At some (much?) later point in your character's journey, you decide it is time. And you're let's say 40th level at that point. A warrior can train at maximum 1 skill rank per level in MIU. So the most you can have is 40 + 1 (zeroeth level skill training!) or 41 ranks. But at 8 mental training points per rank, you decide you're only going to train up 5 ranks in this next 'level'. And the level after that, you'll pick up another 5 ranks. So, at that point, you have 10 ranks of MIU, and your ceiling is now 42+1 (or 43). You can catch up the missing ranks at whatever pace you wish - you just can't go beyond your ceiling with training points.

Another slight point - Gemstone went from a 'declare your skills you want to train in' to a 'pick the skills you are going to train in now that you've leveled' to a 'you can train in your skills at any time, even 'intra-level' if you wish'. Takes a bit of getting used to, but leaves you with a lot of freedom to define your character's progress based on roleplay. A huge strength in my view.

Info on the Wiki is kind of sparse, with most of it being consolidated into guides and profession articles. Some more info here: (in particular, that last link on External References. ;)
