1201 Replacement: Ki-Strike
07/25/2017 02:11 PM CDT
Ki-Strike removes the spell which is about as good as Arcane Blast (which is zero mana) and gives Monks something more useful. Perhaps retaining a version with Ki-Strike that upgrades from the current 1201 CS based spell will be a good way to settle. Ki-Strike is designed to be
a PHYSICAL AS based spell. This is not an ordinary utility for Gemstone mechanics and only Monks are suitable in my view for it.
The Monk focuses their Ki energy onto a target attempting to face-off with the foe's own ki-energy. The result is that there will be a breaking point with a result that will either favor the Monk or the target. If the Monk succeeds in gaining advantage over the foe then the combustion of ki focus will work to guide the Monk with greater force and swiftness than a normal strike. Hence the CS based spell (it could be a CM I suppose or a hidden roll which is totally separate how it works) becomes a physical AS based attack at the point that it 'works'. The The strike when activated will grant a +20 AS boost. I like the idea of giving bonuses based on Physical skillsets to the spell, so that the Monk who has 2x PT, 2x Brawl, 3x Dodge can get a bonus for their physical striking. In this case, a threshold for critical weighting to apply with the strikes, up to decent critical weighting? An additional mana cost for weighting and also there will be a Stamina draw for the spell to work, since it directly uses it to make the spell happen. If the Monk fails the ward it will raise their stance. *Push-down for stance* so if Monk begins in offensive then there is a drop in TD of the foe (Monks don't have a lot to build CS with, it'd be necessary to use like-level). If the Monk fails badly then possibly a knock-down, stun, etc. This is a gigantic spell for 1 mana thus it must work with Stamina as well as some risk to make it balanced.