Ki Focus 07/16/2017 11:58 AM CDT

Ki or 'chi' energy like used in martial arts for centuries is introduced with a number for their pool to refresh from and be used (like mana, stamina, spirit). The use of Chi Energy is a natural augmentation to all those in battle but those whom are trained to apply it, such as Monks who are all about the Chi will be able to harness it directly.

Applications of KI: FOCUSING into a punch/kick-- rt. inducing invocation which builds their next assault to have an energy which will cause phantom damage through the channeling of ki upon contact, CONVERSION into mana and sometimes even spirit energy based on their MC, Lore, Monk Training, etc. REJUVENATION so can 'Pray' verb to apply your chi focus and get a slight boost to mana, stamina, spirit and your overall feelings of well being (with advanced training maybe even a few HP's in a conversion). BOOSTING the odds one way or the other for a ward, so your Chi energy being up or down for you may influence how well you do being warded by a spell, maneuvere, AS strike, etc.- hidden roll to give a slight mod .