Force Orb Update
07/16/2017 11:41 AM CDT
FORCE ORB can be INCANTED / CAST to get a pair of orbs to form on the hands or feet of the Monk the moment they begin to strike the foe on the next attack. The orbs are made of insivible chi energy focused into balls around the hands/feet so they will burst on impact. The result is a 1-time AS bonus and a chance to get a flare from the force breaking apart when the orbs 'disappear'. This is sort of an answer to Camouflage and can be a nice inexpensive mana device for low level monks all the way up to post cap. Base +10 per strike with bonuses for Transformation Lore, Monk spells known, Monk Stat bonuses factored (maybe get a +15 or +18 at the most by post cap..). Duration-- 1 strike, the spell is stored in the hands with a charge until released with an attack or STOPPED. Mana Cost 1+any formula for the bonuses over +10 UAF. Carries a chance to re-activate, like 117 has.
CHANNELING the spell at a critter will instead of being the current spell become a tiered locking spell ('locking' like Evil Eye). The Monk channels the spell at the target and engages in a battle of will to dominate. The Monk's hands become filled with a giant sized translucent orb which fills with fog and the foe/monk see each other as they are battling in a 'crystal ball' like view, real time. The monk can stop the channeling at any time but otherwise will continue with a base cost of -1 for each round it is re-activated. The Monk warding the foe successfully will lower their UAD and raise the UAF of the Monk incrementally. Thus when the MOnk has done this for several rounds, their next strike will be at a signifcant advantage. Max of maybe 10 rounds, 4 seconds each, -1 stamina draw each round.
EVOKING it will be a SPELL AIM attack of a translucent orb being fired upon the target. Maybe something a bit less potent than Minor Water for 1 mana.
The reason I don't want a straight warding spell is because Arcane Blast is almost the same spell and Monks need to get a lot of spell enhancements.upgrades...