New Monk Ability: PRAY command 06/21/2017 12:25 AM CDT

First of all, Re: Reptoids.. sure! Well, I can say that as a matter of fact me the person behind these posts does research in the field. Reptilians are not too easy to prove but the
ancient history is actually this: Reptilians were the result of breeding by a CANUS/DOG race
of humanoids. The Canus bred them using alligator DNA with human alien from yes, the Sirius B system. This is just what is written, not what I believe but you could ask yourself how/why they were discussing these kinds of breeding programs with specific star systems which supposedly they could not have known about. The Hopi Indian have always said there was a serpent race under Los Angeles which lived in a vast city for a long time. That has a lot of
archaeological evidence but again, nothing too beefy we can sink our teeth into (tantalizing lead-in the the famous Grand Canyon city which was discovered in the 1920's is a connection to the underground city...that city under the GC is 100% real with photographic evidence, apparently for humanoids of giant size). But then there is the Dogon tribe, the tales from all over about the serpents. Some say the serpent kicked the moon here from a distant star system and that is very possible because before the flood it appears there was *no moon mentioned anywhere in any history*. But actually, the tales we know of pre-Atlantis/Pan/Mu is that white bearded people, halfling and giant/cro-mag together had survivors scattered all over who became gods to the native humans all over the planet (Atlanteans being alien derivation, you guessed it from Draco). This has evidence with the Enki tablets which describe the humans from that system.

You can read my book on this subject in a few months.

Anyway, my spell idea is PRAY and pray is like meditate only specialized and monks, perhaps Savants. PRAY enters the Monk into a trance that takes a long time to build results. It's designed to get better rewards for each 60 second fulfillment of their prayer cycle. I'm sure Clerics would enjoy it as well but if not PRAY then another word for it? Because they could use one. And the results:

Min. 1 +mana/spirit recovery
Min. 2 +to LOG stat based on skill/level/race etc.
Min. 3 triggers a cast of a random defensive spell with 1/2 mana cost
Min. 4 ENC bonus +10 lbs for 2 minutes per achieved tier of PRAYER (once stopped)
Min. 5 STAM recovery bonus +10 per pulse
Min. 6 LOG bonus will persist after PRAYER
Min. 7 random spell triggered no mana cost
Min. 8 STR bonus after PRAYER stops

Little perks and based on not breaking the Prayer. Then when you're logged out from the PRAYER time, your Monk is waking up with a nice advantage.