iOS support 06/04/2014 08:14 PM CDT
Has there been any thought to creating an app for gemstone? May be difficult to hunt and such, but being able to run errands in town and crafting on my iphone would be amazing.
Re: iOS support 06/11/2014 02:05 PM CDT
An iPhone will happily log into GSIV. But take a look at some screen shots on my blog. Keep in mind that the screen shots are very large compared to the screen.

Anything other than the most basic commands will cause problems, screen scroll is nearly impossible to deal with on a phone.

Magarven the Mad
Re: iOS support 06/15/2014 09:37 PM CDT
I'd hope if Simu was going to release another official FE, they'd get something for GNU/Linux which is a full blown OS with a 20+ year history.

That being said, I play via Tillmen's Profanity these days. He designed it partly (entirely?) for use on Android through a terminal emulator, and I suspect it would work just fine in iOS, too. I think the main way he's doing it is via SSH to a host machine, which may or may not be too tech savvy for you. I enjoy it as a minimalist FE which works very well under my laptop's OS.

>(OOC) Rozy's player whispers to the group, "Spiiiiiderhalfling!"

>Out of no where, a ki-lin gallops in.