Transference Lore Vs Blessing Lore for % Chance to Heal Down a Wound or Scar 03/17/2018 06:28 AM CDT
In light of the addition of transference lore to a few Empath spells, is there any consideration in switching the percentage chance to heal down a wound or scar when casting 1102/1103/1104/1105/1111/1112/1113/1114 from Blessing Lore to Transference Lore?

With 50 Transference Lore being required to transfer scars it just seems to make more sense for Transference Lore being required for this % chance to heal down a wound or scar versus Blessing Lore.

As I gaze over the horizon, the wind tugs at my cloak and whispers, "Adventure" in my ear.

AIM: Kaight (Matt) GS4