Cleric Spell Idea: Combination of Spirits 02/28/2017 03:22 PM CST
The Cleric is able to prepare a spell which will activate instantly upon completing the casting of another spell. When the Priest casts Combination of Spirits, the next spell prepared will be instantly stored for activation upon the next cast of any other spell (including the same spell which is preceding it). This can be most directly
beneficial in rescues where the fallen has been a victim of a hostile gang of multiple enemies which three seconds for the Cleric may be perilous. Casting Combination of Spirits, then Minor Sanctuary (stored), then Transference will likely become a standard macros for mission minded Clerics. Also, the battle advantages can be launching a bolt after a bind, a double bolt, a warding attempt followed by a cast of spirit strike for a Battlemage (like Snoobie, my claid wielding mage). The cost for the spell could be a lot, a high level spell but could be used a lot if the caster is packing a lot of mana.