This is the meditation messaging that clerics get.
You kneel down and begin to meditate on your lot in life.
You continue to meditate on recent events.
You wake from your meditation, yet a deep feeling of relaxation remains present.
The lingering effects of your meditation fade away.
The problem is that this is messaging for a mental activity, not a spiritual one. In situations where mental and spiritual are conflated (such as empaths now and the whole of the game until a year or so ago), this doesn't matter. However, now that a distinction is drawn in game between mental and spiritual, mental style messaging is inappropriate for spiritual activity. Whatever it is that clerics are doing when they use the meditate command, its a spiritual activity, because clerics belong in the spiritual sphere, and the messaging should be changed to be make it clear that this is a spiritual activity not a mental one.
Preferably the oommand itself should be changed. Anyone looking at the basic descriptions of what the professions are, and told that the meditate command gave special benefits to some of them, would put monks at the top of the list of those they expected to meditate. A year ago it was fine, monk was a subset of cleric, monastic titles belonged to the cleric profession and clerics could use monastic language without being inappropriate. This is no longer the case. Monk titles have been purged from the cleric list, but the spiritual world is still polluted with mental imagery in all sorts of places and the cleansing needs to continue.
Fortunately a suitable vocabulary for this type of spiritual activity already exists, and can be used to make it clear that clerics are spiritualists not mentalists.
What should happen when a cleric attempts to achieve the benefits currently accessed by meditate is something like this.
Beware, deities are jealous and if you do not pay them the respect due to them, may become angry with you. Give PRAYERs you owe to your god lest your suffer aweful consequences.
(nothing is triggered automatically but the opportunity is there if a GM decides that Eorgina wants to teach a lesson to an overproud and insufficiently devoted cleric)
Coldly, you proclaim your devotion to your Lady as you kneel down and begin to devote your spirit to her.
You sibilantly whissper your devotion to your Lord as you kneel down and begin to devote you spirit to him.
XXX kneels down and begins to pray.
(doesn't have to be deity specific, and I'd much prefer generic but spiritual messaging sooner than deity specific messaging later, but its an opportunity if a GM is inspired or sets a competition for it)
You continue to purge your spirit of mundane impulses.
You rejoice in renewed communion with your Lord/Lady.
An expression of pure delight crosses the face of XXX as s/he opens her/his eyes and looks around.
Mundane concerns once again impose themselves upon your spirit.
Re: bad meditation messaging
01/12/2013 11:12 AM CST
The difference in style (seeking solace from without or seeking tranquility from within) doesn't prevent the use of a common term.
Drawing out some differentiation for the monk profession might be beneficial. I always wanted to see Eight Pieces of Brocade as expressed in this non-graphical world.
Drawing out some differentiation for the monk profession might be beneficial. I always wanted to see Eight Pieces of Brocade as expressed in this non-graphical world.
Re: bad meditation messaging
01/23/2013 08:44 AM CST
I think that when Savants come out, with their supposed meditation, it would be a good time to review this whole thing. And you know what, Diety specific messaging WOULD be cool (probably coming for Clerics through Orisons). I don't know if I think the entire verb has to change to pray, but yeah, a revision would be neat.
>Barnom exclaims, "I smell delicious!"
>Barnom says, "Like sage and nutmeg."
>Barnom exclaims, "I smell delicious!"
>Barnom says, "Like sage and nutmeg."