1050 Contest 03/24/2017 11:57 AM CDT
18ish years ago, Lyredaen and Banthis held a contest to determine what 1050 would become. They encouraged players to put in their ideas and claimed they would choose a winner.

What happened with that? Are there any plans for 1050? I'd love something new for the arsenal.
Re: 1050 Contest 03/24/2017 12:04 PM CDT
Author obvious.

Re: Spell idea from Sarcastria!
On: 4/10/2007
At: 10:46:46 PM
##: 2991

Amused the heck out of myself by coming up with ridiculously inadmissable ideas for a song and then lumping them all together. Enjoy!


1050 (1049) - Song of Mechanics Bypass

First off, we think we should be able to cast this sooner than anyone else, so even though its in the 1050 slot, a bard can cast it if they are 49th train.

Cost 50 / renew 100* *See disclaimer below

MNEMONIC deusexmachina (for starting the affects)

This song is very versatile as it has multipile mnemonics that can be used with it after the initial sing. See below for the initial listing. More will be added without any QC as time allows.

Affect Mnemonic Quick Descrip
Healing ohwhatareliefitis heal down all wounds and scars
Searching ispywithmylittleeye instantly find anything hidden
Racial bonuses everyperson automatically get the best racial bonus for any action
Movement/travel calgontakemeaway use for cross realm travel or any movement problem
Bardic twin/illusion wondertwinpowersactivate creates copy of bard that performs identical actions
Max CS waggleriffic uses highest skill (any) for spell CS calcs
Max AS ihavethepower uses highest skill (any) for weapon AS calcs
Max DS iaminvincible uses highest skill (any) for all DS calcs
Max Weapon iwannagoresplattereddeathweapon temp 10x and flare on any normal weapon
Max Armor tankmebaby temp 10x and godlike crit padding on any normal armor
Lore Bonus knowitall get max lore bonus for all spell affects
Trading whatabaaahgin get max trading bonus possible regardless of training/race
Armor Hindrance doitnekkid 0% hindrance in any armor
Swing in Guarded buttheycansowhycanti Get full AS while in guarded
Hiding gagorder stay hidden even if songs renew or you sing/cast
Self-raise popgoestheweasel instantly self raise with no deaths sting penalty
Merchant Find thereyouare finds any merchant in game
Merchant Pick oohpickmepickme forces spinner or raffle ticket huckster to pick you

Note: These effects are cumulative, but there is a possibility of some of them clashing if performed by different bards in the same room at the same time.

*Disclaimer - There is a particular mnemonic that when said within 30 seconds of your auto renewal, will suspend the cost of renewing this song, thereby making its effective renewal cost 0. It will however still be counted towards the MSP (multisong penalty). The knowledge of this particular mnemonic is an in game secret of course, and any passing on of it by any means whatsoever is a violation of policy statement umptifratz.1(a).

*Disclaimer 2 - There is a second mnemonic that is not an in game secret and has the same affect. You may say this at any time after the initial singing. It is CHEAPSKATE. Feel free to post, yell, yodel, recite, email, write out in large letters on every surface visible, etc. at any time you like.
