A sheet of ivory vellum is tacked to the door of the assembly room.
Brothers and Sisters of the light. I call upon those of you whom serve the Arkati and control the realms of the spiritual to assist in furthering the reach of our shining light. This Feast Day, the seventh of Lormestra, at eight in the evening as the Elves tell time, join us in the assembly room to discuss an opportunity for greatness. Brothers and Sisters who walk other paths are welcomed to join us as well.
In the lower right hand corner is a quickly drawn image of a Kraken. It is flanked by two children of an indeterminable race. The Kraken’s tentacles coil around the children and seem to lash outward, protectively, at foes before them.
OOC – Clerics of the Council are invited to discuss an RP opportunity taking shape. All CoL members are invited as well. Additional information can be found offsite and will be provided during this meeting/discussion. While having as much of it IC as possible would be preferred, there may be a lot of OOC discussion and planning that occurs.
Re: A notice left outside the assembly room
01/08/2017 11:56 AM CST
Ordim looked out upon the floor of the assembly room and nodded with approval. A reasonable number of brothers and sisters had answered his call and now took up spots around the room. Cushioned chairs were partnered with small tables that dotted the room. A raised dais held a podium and several more chairs at the head of the room. Intermittent crystal tones chimed out as the crystal chandelier above sparkled like stars in the night against the navy blue carpeting. Ordim gave one last look around the room and out the door before he began explaining his reason for the gathering.
A brief summary of the events of Chaston’s rise and fall opened the meeting. It was the ending that was the most important. Or perhaps what might be called the beginning to some.
“Those who are without homes, lost and powerless, begging for any assistance they can find, now gather in untold numbers. Not far from here a camp has been built to aid the refugees with the basics of life. It is this camp, as well as other locations where the refugees will be gathered, that may serve us two fold.” He paused for a moment as he surveyed the crowd, some of whom began to guess where he was going and grinned to themselves.
“Firstly, the direct recruitment of those who are in need. Just as we were offered step by step, so shall the wanting refugees be offered a way to improve their lives... for a time.”
Whispers in the crowd were punctuated with a bored voice asking out loud. “What use would we have with the powerless and lost?”
“To give them direction, to mold them and shape them, to conscript them into our service.” Came the answer to the faceless voice. Sounds of approvals and a few nods seemed to give evidence that the answer was acceptable. “Useless fodder? As you like.”
Ordim cleared his throat and continued on, “The second method is my personally preferred method, and why I summoned those of the cloth specifically. I have already started forming a working relationship with those who run the camp not far from here. It would not be impossible to use this connection to come up with a means or method of “Farming” the spirit and power of those who look to receive aid.” The idea seemed to invigorate a few members as they sat up and took new interest. Others immediately began asking questions such as “Will this require a level of discretion?”
“It is my hope that this method we might create would have no worse effect than to present as general depression.” Ordim’s lips curled into a devious grin. “And what refugee does not already look properly depressed?”
The group then began to discuss the various means with which they might succeed in “farming” the spirit from the unwitting refugees. Many of them revolved around the twisting and corruption of known spells from all circles of magic. “We could use alter the hands of the undead to appear as grass, brushing against the victims and snatching bits of their soul!” “What if we were to change the means by which we steal mana to steal spirit instead?” The ideas as varied and creative as could be hoped for. It was also identified that more research and perhaps a devout follower of the hidden knowledge might play their part in assisting with making such magic succeed.
Ideas were exchanged back and forth, plans made and altered on the fly as the night wore on. As the hour drew late the group agreed to meet again in a week’s time to put into practice some of their ideas. Over time they would employ as many as possible to ensure their success. More brothers and sisters would eventually be needed though. The word had to be spread to all that the Kraken had awoken, and he would protect all of his children who walked in the light.
A brief summary of the events of Chaston’s rise and fall opened the meeting. It was the ending that was the most important. Or perhaps what might be called the beginning to some.
“Those who are without homes, lost and powerless, begging for any assistance they can find, now gather in untold numbers. Not far from here a camp has been built to aid the refugees with the basics of life. It is this camp, as well as other locations where the refugees will be gathered, that may serve us two fold.” He paused for a moment as he surveyed the crowd, some of whom began to guess where he was going and grinned to themselves.
“Firstly, the direct recruitment of those who are in need. Just as we were offered step by step, so shall the wanting refugees be offered a way to improve their lives... for a time.”
Whispers in the crowd were punctuated with a bored voice asking out loud. “What use would we have with the powerless and lost?”
“To give them direction, to mold them and shape them, to conscript them into our service.” Came the answer to the faceless voice. Sounds of approvals and a few nods seemed to give evidence that the answer was acceptable. “Useless fodder? As you like.”
Ordim cleared his throat and continued on, “The second method is my personally preferred method, and why I summoned those of the cloth specifically. I have already started forming a working relationship with those who run the camp not far from here. It would not be impossible to use this connection to come up with a means or method of “Farming” the spirit and power of those who look to receive aid.” The idea seemed to invigorate a few members as they sat up and took new interest. Others immediately began asking questions such as “Will this require a level of discretion?”
“It is my hope that this method we might create would have no worse effect than to present as general depression.” Ordim’s lips curled into a devious grin. “And what refugee does not already look properly depressed?”
The group then began to discuss the various means with which they might succeed in “farming” the spirit from the unwitting refugees. Many of them revolved around the twisting and corruption of known spells from all circles of magic. “We could use alter the hands of the undead to appear as grass, brushing against the victims and snatching bits of their soul!” “What if we were to change the means by which we steal mana to steal spirit instead?” The ideas as varied and creative as could be hoped for. It was also identified that more research and perhaps a devout follower of the hidden knowledge might play their part in assisting with making such magic succeed.
Ideas were exchanged back and forth, plans made and altered on the fly as the night wore on. As the hour drew late the group agreed to meet again in a week’s time to put into practice some of their ideas. Over time they would employ as many as possible to ensure their success. More brothers and sisters would eventually be needed though. The word had to be spread to all that the Kraken had awoken, and he would protect all of his children who walked in the light.