Cman Concept: Homing Focus 03/08/2017 03:40 AM CST
The Cman will give the ambusher the advantage when focusing on a targeted body area. When activated, the adventurer will use their successful first strike as a homing beacon for the next. If they are aiming for the left leg but instead hit the abdomen, then the abdomen will become the new focal target (but there will be a bonus modifier to help succeed hitting where you aim). Each successive strike will increase in effectiveness (based on how trained in the skill you are) so that if you strike the same area four times in a row, then each one will have a higher modifier for raising crit rank. When a body area is completely done away with (legging/arm off...), then you can try another area until that one is obliterated. The idea is to lower the amount of misses to an intended strike area and to give the ambusher a bonus when hitting the same area again and again. This will be as a result of focusing on the exact area of the same region again, i.e. you are aiming at the right arm but focusing on the elbow area specifically which makes your strikes more effective.

Example Rank 1 +50% Accuracy +25% Crit Rank, Rank 2 +75% Accuracy +50% Crit Rank Rank 3 +99% Accuracy + 75% Crit Rank with a running +25% to Accuracy for a first strike.

So the first strike will be a normal crit ranking for your swing's effectiveness but you will have a +25% Accuracy boosting. The second blow will have a 50% improved chance of returning to the same location (if you don't switch your aim location). The third blow will have a 99% chance to hit the same location with a +75% increase in Crit Rank.

WSpec Mastery will give a +5% additional running bonus to Accuracy and Crit Rank when both skills are Mastered.

This would be a good deal for the ambusher when going after ...Illoke, Stone Giants, Gargs, Troll Kings but would be a generally efficient boost and probably worth training in for a lot of ambushers. 3 ranks makes it attainable with a lot of other skills and the Wspec is a nice carrot.