Cobbling with no Patterns 03/17/2018 12:20 AM CDT
>look in my pat
This book of patterns is a large tome binding thick vellum sheets. The cover is embossed with block script that reads, "Cobbling Patterns of Amorana".
It is closed.
>open my pat
You open the cover on your book of patterns.
>read my pat
There are no patterns yet in a leaf-green book of patterns.
>ask foreman about join
Xygnil considers you for a moment and says, "Seems to me that you've already gotten a start in cobbling."
You tap the pattern for a pair of shoes found in a leather-bound book of patterns. Blyndarbun glance over at you expectantly.
>ask gnome about learn
Blyndarbun shakes his and says, "You'll need to see the foreman about learning basic patterns. Once you're past journeyman, I can fill out your pattern book with more advanced patterns."
Ummmmmm, ok. Sooooo I need the basic patterns to cobble, yet I can't get the basic patterns because the foreman is apparently senile, drunk, broken, or all three or the attendant is senile, drunk, broken, or all three. This is in Mist Harbor by the way. I assisted, but going on my 2nd hour in the queue with no movement, it's late, I'm tired, just spent a small fortune on supplies, can't do anything with said supplies without traveling to a town I know nothing about, and rather frustrated....canceling assist and logging out, please look into this.

I got fired from the keyboard factory....turns out i was not putting in enough shifts