question 08/09/2017 11:55 AM CDT
pretty new at this cobbling thing and I was wondering about the patterns, is there a limit to the amount of patterns you can learn? or is it possible to learn all of them?
Re: question 08/09/2017 12:37 PM CDT
There is a limit. I believe it's 50 for master cobblers


The flamepoint sand kitten hisses at a patchwork flesh monstrosity.
... 9 points of damage!
Re: question 08/09/2017 03:43 PM CDT

As you progress in ranks you can learn more patterns, up to a max of 50 as was pointed out.
While the cobbling system has a lot of options to choose from the system to FLIP/SLAP your shoes into exactly what you want can take a bit of luck, skill, and patience to get used to. Enjoy making sandals, the only acceptable footwear.

Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."
Re: question 08/13/2017 12:44 PM CDT
just out of curiosity, how many bloody times do I have to make something special for this picky foreman?
Re: question 08/13/2017 01:25 PM CDT
It's at 49, 99, 149, and 199 ranks, if I remember correctly.
Re: question 08/13/2017 01:37 PM CDT
You have to basically make the best possible quality, its a bit random from what I remember. So it might take a few tries or it might go very quickly. Cobbling has its own messaging similar to "perfects" in forging.

Wyrom says, "Ordim is the reason savants won't be coded as well."