307 mana cost 11/17/2017 07:05 AM CST
I'm only getting charged the base 7 mana for a level 15 cleric with 35 cleric spells. Other clerics of mine seem to be paying the right amount when I checked, but although I was being charged extra when I first had 307, I don't think its been other than the base cost of 7 mana for a week or two.
Re: 307 mana cost 11/17/2017 08:51 AM CST
Do you still have existing duration to which you are adding? Or have you stopped it, and then re-cast from scratch?

If the former, you may be simply adding duration to the existing (lower) level of benefit that you had to begin with.
Re: 307 mana cost 11/17/2017 09:25 AM CST
I've stopped and recast numerous times including specifically to check I am getting more than the base benefit when being charged the base cost.
Re: 307 mana cost 01/19/2018 12:28 PM CST
Still cost 7 mana at level 28 and 49 spells, but started charging extra again at level 29 (jumped to 18 mana)
Re: 307 mana cost 01/19/2018 01:02 PM CST
Still cost 7 mana at level 28 and 49 spells, but started charging extra again at level 29 (jumped to 18 mana)

This should now be resolved (e.g. level 28 with 28-49 spells would cost 17 mana). Thanks for reporting the issue.

GameMaster Estild