Convert Deity
12/23/2016 09:20 AM CST
Didn't get much traction on Plainum side of the boards but...
Any idea how much it would cost a capped Eonak follower to convert to Voln?
Also, can you remove silvers from the coffer/coffin if it gets to the "forget this" point?
How many clerics does it take for the Intercession?
Re: Convert Deity
12/23/2016 10:30 AM CST
1. Depends, but likely a lot if you're capped. It increases with each conversion you do. I'd expect in the millions for sure.
2. You can't remove the silvers once you put them in, no. They're gone.
3. It would only take one cleric of Voln to create the intercession gem for you, or 3 liabo aligned clerics to cast at the gem if there's no Voln cleric who could create it.
Re: Convert Deity
12/23/2016 12:47 PM CST
>1. Depends, but likely a lot if you're capped. It increases with each conversion you do. I'd expect in the millions for sure.
My guesstimate is that 5 would be enough, but I'd want 10 available if I was doing it since it is rather more guess than estimate.
My guesstimate is that 5 would be enough, but I'd want 10 available if I was doing it since it is rather more guess than estimate.