Divine Wrath (335) 02/03/2014 07:36 PM CST
Divine Wrath has been updated and moved from spell slot 319 to 335. This allows for a more powerful spell in exchange for the higher level and mana cost. The updates to the spell include:

* There is no longer a cooldown on the spell. Clerics may recast it as often as they like except if the spell is already active.
* It will not deal damage if the Cleric is not present in the same room when each round triggers.
* The spell’s damage no longer has deity alignment as a factor. It affects living and undead creatures equally.
* The spell will always have 3 rounds of damage. Spiritual Lore, Religion is no longer a factor.
* The spell is significantly more deadly than before and now affects players too! Each round is stronger than the previous.
* When the spell is CAST, it only affects creatures. The maximum number of targets it can affect is 2 + 1 per 75 Spirit Mana Control skill.
* When the spell is CHANNELed, it can affect creatures and players (preferring the former first). The maximum number of targets it can affect is 5 + 1 per 50 Spirit Mana Control skill.
* Players outside of the Cleric’s group and who worship deities of the same pantheon of the Cleric’s deity are immune to the spell unless the spell is CHANNELed directly at them.
* Spiritual Lore, Spirit Summoning decreases the amount of time before the first damage round occurs. The delay is reduced by 2 seconds at 20, 45, 75, 110, and 150 ranks, down to the minimum of a 2-second delay.
* Spiritual Lore, Religion increases the amount of critical damage dealt with each round.
* A few deities have updated messaging and/or critical damage types:
* Charl: has a random chance to trigger different messaging which uses impact criticals.
* Koar: has a random chance to utilize heat criticals instead of electricity. No change in the messaging.
* Ivas: slightly updated messaging and will always use crushing criticals.
* Aeia: will always use crushing criticals.
* Arachne: completely new messaging that utilizes puncture criticals.

GameMaster Estild

This message was originally posted in Clerics, Cleric Spells. To discuss the above, follow the link below.
