Please bid in the thread with your screen name or PM me with your screen name. Delivery available after 7pm eastern to Landing, Icemule, Solhaven or FWI. It’s all flat priced so first come, first served.
New rule: If you don't have an AIM screen name, don't bid. It’s too hard to try to meet up without one.
All items listed below are 5k each:
an elemental rune pin
Blank imbeddible
2 available
an aquamarine leaping dolphin armband
Pin worn
a crystal shard amulet
Works like a regular crystal amulet
2 available
a veined wing-shaped amulet
Works like a regular crystal amulet
Sheets of whisper paper
10 uses each, WHISPER to the paper and it writes your message. Might be able to make it person-specific but I don’t know.
Colors and quantities, single pages unless otherwise noted: powder blue, burgundy, mulberry, grey-hued, obscure, moss green, primrose, red and gold
mossy green (4) – Sold to Beguiler, pending pickup
a pink rose-shaped candle
All items listed below are 20k each:
Sold as a set
a deep blue crystalline orb (x2) -- 8 charges of deep blues (spell 107)
a shiny blue glaes orb -- 6 charges of deep blues (spell 107)
a slender ring of abstract wooden pieces
a silver-hued modwir circlet inset with luminous blue rocks
Head worn
Sold as a set
2x “a heavy rod”
9 charges of Divine Shield in one
A few charges in the other
*Normally not imbeddible*
some embossed leather wristcuffs with knotwork design
Wrist worn
a set of dark leather wristbands burned with stylized flames
Wrist worn
a broad silver choker dangling a twisting infinity knot
Several charges of Guiding Light, persistent
Neck worn
2 available
a sapphire clasped hands pin
Few charges of Prayer of Protection (Spell 303, +10 to DS)
a black velvet ruby-buttoned skirt
Holds VSA for a couple of items
a small diamond toe-ring
Foot worn
Sold to Beguiler, pending pickup
a textured dark violet silk thigh-band
Pin worn
a gremlin piñata
You need a stick. Hang it from a tree, smash it, get stuff.
Sold to Dendrol, pending pickup
a puma pinata
You need a stick. Hang it from a tree, smash it, get stuff.
a set of thin clavicle bones
a polished mithril toy cat
Scripted: tap, turn
a haon and mithril hand drill
Scripted: You peer at your mithril hand drill, carefully inspecting its condition.
a drawstring coin purse
Belt worn, holds small
a black carmiln staff inlaid with silver crescent moons
Scripted: tap, pull, roll, nudge, rest, wave
3 available
a red rowan staff capped with a green crystal smoke wisp
Scripted: clutch, pull, nudge, rest, flip, raise
a brown oak staff inlaid with a golden leaf design
Scripted: clutch, tilt, tap, flip, wave
a silver-edged vruul skin thigh-sheath
Holds small, 1 item, pin worn
Loresings as having a rudimentary lock on it but I don’t know anything more
2 available
a pair of leathery vruul wings
Pin worn
Sold to vileside, pending pickup.
All items listed below are 30k each:
a blackened imflass needle
Current SHOW: The needle's tip appears sharper than a razor, and it gleams brightly.
Use it on other people to pierce them
Show description will change to reflect condition
Sold to Tylliff, pending pickup
a scarab-tooled black lockpick pouch
Belt worn, holds medium, max lightened/deepened
an oil-stained gnome doll
Scripted: hug, kiss, pinch, poke, pull, rub, slap, smooch, tickle, turn
The scripts are kind of gross
2 available
1 sold to Beguiler, pending pickup
a black velvet bodice laced with ruby red silk
Pin worn
a witchwood-handled vultite pickaxe stamped with a gold moon
4x, earth flares
a polished white haon staff carved with hearts and roses
Scripted clutch, tap, rest, raise
4 available
a gold-striped invar rock thumper
This is all I know:
>light thu
You remove one segment of your invar rock thumper, light the fuse, and toss it to the ground. The thumper shakes, slightly at first, and then with greater and greater force as it works its way into the ground, finally vanishing from sight.
A single thunderous beat shakes the earth.
Another violent tremor shakes the ground.
The earth falls back into stillness.
Sold to Dendrol, pending pickup
All items listed below are 50k each:
a pink sapphire cabochon strung from a thin gold forehead chain
Head worn
a glittering diamond-inset mirror / a glittering diamond-inset brooch
When in mirror form, CLOSE it to turn it into a pinworm brooch.
When in brooch form, OPEN it to turn it into a PEERABLE mirror.
a jointed ora kitten clasp
SHOW: Fashioned of metal pieces that have been artfully cut, shaped, and polished to a satin finish, the ora kitten clasp is jointed with small rivets that allow it to be moved into various positions.
The jointed limbs are hanging loosely.
Scripted: nudge (makes it cavorting), poke (makes it flailing), press/push (makes it prone), pull (makes it standing), rub (makes it attacking), turn (makes it sitting), tap (makes it jointed)
Changes base description as noted
1 available
1 sold to Elvenlords, pending pickup
a mechanical ithzir pin
The ithzir pin is small and mechanical, made up of various tiny gears and other parts to resemble a miniature metal version of the real thing. A small silver cord hangs down from the back of the piece while the jointed legs and arms sway to the slightest movement.
Scripted: wear, tilt, tap, poke, push, press, pull, turn, remove
Sold to Slamy, pending pickup
a black Marlu symbol
TURN it and it becomes a statuette of Marlu, TURN it again and it morphs into a wearable symbol
a simple silver ring adorned with a tiny red crystal
a simple blue crystal ring wrapped with silver wire
Holds VSA, 1 item
>rem ear
You remove a pair of diamond star earrings from your earlobes.
>put ear in ring
You put a pair of diamond star earrings in your silver ring.
>l in ring
In the silver ring:
Other (1): pair of diamond star earrings.
>get ear from ring
You remove a pair of diamond star earrings from in your silver ring.
Both sold to Greng, pending pickup
All items listed below are 100k each:
a sigil-etched wide silver armband
Holds a gold ring and allows for its use. I believe it’s TAP and RUB, but be ready to experiment.
Free up a finger slot!
Sold as a set
a thistle-engraved pewter flatware case with a ruby and amethyst-inlaid clasp
a pewter spoon set with a ruby and amethyst thistle blossom
a pewter fork set with a ruby and amethyst thistle blossom
a ruby and amethyst-inlaid goblet
an amethyst-set pewter bowl
a pewter fork set with a ruby and amethyst thistle blossom
a ruby-inlaid pewter plate
a pair of glass-heeled slippers
Work like a gold ring and will teleport you but I forget the commands.
Probably navvable, but it does free up a finger. Nice for emergencies.
some elegant silver-embellished leathers
Scripted: wear, pull, remove
All items listed below are 500k each:
a pink sapphire
Blank mage rechargeable
All items listed below are 1m each:
a river blue silk cloak
The cloak is the color of river water, silvery with the barest hint of blue. The watermarked silk flows gracefully, shimmering in the light. It is clasped at the throat with a lovely water lily pin.
Weighs 5, holds very large
Max lightened/deepened
~ The girl behind Debia
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