UAF Not Calculating Properly? 01/29/2013 08:13 PM CST
Just rolled a new character and am experimenting with brawling, but something does not appear to be right with the UAF calculation.

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Combat Maneuvers...................| 10 2
Brawling...........................| 20 4

Strength (STR): 71 (5) ... 71 (5)
Agility (AGI): 62 (6) ... 62 (6)

According to the formula I am familiar with, my UAF should be (4 * 2) + (2 [CM]/2) + (5 (STR)/2) + (6 (AGI)/2) = 14?

But it keeps coming up 8, only, i.e., brawling ranks * 2.

Am I missing something? I am fully trained for the armor I am wearing (double leather). Encumbrance, perhaps? Any ideas?
Re: UAF Not Calculating Properly? 01/30/2013 05:35 AM CST
There are various things that will reduce UAF, like 102, but I can't think of anything that would reduce it by 6.

Mine is calculating correctly at the moment. Maybe some pre req? If that is at level 0, get to level 1 and see what happens, and if you aren't fully trained in brawl, then do that and see what happens.
Re: UAF Not Calculating Properly? 01/31/2013 01:02 PM CST
Wearing any armor will reduce your UAF. Also just about anything in your hand (including most brawling weapons) will also reduce your UAF.

I do not know exactly how much armor and other weapons in hand and feet beside worn handwraps/gauntlets and footwraps/boots reduce the UAF, but just about anything other than robes will cause a penalty to UAF. I just now read the part about double leathers being worn. Try without the armor on and see what the difference is.

Re: UAF Not Calculating Properly? 01/31/2013 01:41 PM CST
>Wearing any armor will reduce your UAF. Also just about anything in your hand (including most brawling weapons) will also reduce your UAF. -- Zizzle

Encumbrance, armor, stance and held items reduce the multiplier modifier(MM), not the unarmed attack factor (UAF).
