Don't know how much trouble this would be, but here goes.
The "silvery-blue roiling fog-filled chamber" in Tykel's Arms would be a great for converting existing hand and foot worn items. It would of course work in any arms shop that has conversion chamber.
The best part is, cobbled footware that has plates could convert to the enchantment of said plates.
Anyways, just a thought.
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
07/26/2012 06:31 AM CDT
I also have a super nifty pair of zested dirty handwraps that are worn in the UAC glove location that would fabulous to convert...PLEASE (and thank you!) in advance.
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
07/26/2012 06:55 AM CDT
While I can't talk about conversion, I CAN say that you haven't seen the last of that handwraps script! Dirty, unwashed things seemed like a perfect fit for a swamp.
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
08/02/2012 11:40 AM CDT
BTW, i think there is a bug with my 2011 EG dirty character has had a dirty face since he put them on, and although the script that says "the dirt dries and flakes off", he still dirty in the face. dirty dirty dirty handwraps!
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
08/02/2012 12:28 PM CDT
The ash on Teras has a similar message, after a while 'the wind blows it off,' but the ash still remains, bet you want that one fixed too ;)
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
08/02/2012 01:05 PM CDT
That ash script works fine, and if you find yourself still covered in ash, rub self works fine too.
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
08/02/2012 01:43 PM CDT
I'm just ribbing you because of how much you love your ash, dork.
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
08/02/2012 03:23 PM CDT
bah, sign your comments anonymous comment er, you think I take my ash seriously!?
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
08/02/2012 03:32 PM CDT
>>bah, sign your comments anonymous comment er
Its much more fun to let you puzzle out who I am though, I wouldn't want to take that joy from you :D
Its much more fun to let you puzzle out who I am though, I wouldn't want to take that joy from you :D
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
09/11/2012 04:10 AM CDT
Converting sounds like a great idea, got an old pair of those eoanak war boots that would be awesome to convert for UAC...
Re: Converting gloves/boots.
09/11/2012 08:51 AM CDT
Could produce some really nice items...fashionable, useful and fun to wear. Am thinking of some pocketed boots that have been in a locker and growing cobwebs. Would also make the cobbler's art much more desired.