Song of Depression info contradiction 04/16/2016 12:31 PM CDT


>Mental Lore, Telepathy: -1 additional TD at the following ranks: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 14, 17, 21, 26, 31, 36, 42, 49, 55, 63, 70, 78, 87, 96 (total -20 TD).

Official spell description:

>Each rank of Mental Lore, Telepathy will boost the TD pushdown from the song.

Which is correct?
Re: Song of Depression info contradiction 04/16/2016 12:37 PM CDT
The statements aren't contradictory. The official spell description is just (as usual) less specific.

-- Robert

Raggler squeakily says, "Muffins are also known to be one of the most healthiest foods in the world."

Raggler squeakily says, "It's a fact."
Re: Song of Depression info contradiction 04/16/2016 01:49 PM CDT
the wiki has the most specific/accurate break point bonuses for telepathy lore ranks. Glad to hear other bards are using this under appreciated spell song.

Re: Song of Depression info contradiction 04/16/2016 01:50 PM CDT
Well his point is valid one sources indicates that each rank reduces TD; the other indicates some ranks reduce TD.

The latter is correct.
Re: Song of Depression info contradiction 04/18/2016 01:30 PM CDT
Mental Lore, Telepathy: -1 additional TD at the following ranks: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 14, 17, 21, 26, 31, 36, 42, 49, 55, 63, 70, 78, 87, 96 (total -20 TD).
Official spell description:
>Each rank of Mental Lore, Telepathy will boost the TD pushdown from the song.
Which is correct?

The wiki is correct.

GameMaster Estild
Re: Song of Depression info contradiction 04/19/2016 11:40 AM CDT
The spell description does not say that every rank will reduce TD by a point; it says that every rank will help. The GMs have always said that your performance with Lore ranks will be better than your performance without.

And the first three ranks ARE a direct rank-to-reduction. Nothing to sneeze at.

The reason for the specificity--including the oddball situations, where some steps cost FEWER ranks than the one before (i.e. 5-to-8 == +3 ranks, but 8-to-10 == +2 ranks)--is because that was sourced from direct GM comment here on the Boards, when we asked.
Re: Song of Depression info contradiction (attn: Estild) 01/05/2017 10:50 AM CST
So I was reading back through some old posts, and ran across the Depression/1015 discussion (in #595-#600).

It looks like, barring a very few instances, there are only two (2) levels of benefit at each rank cost. (The exceptions are at "1 rank" steps [there are three (3)], and at "5 rank" steps [there are again three (3)]. All other steps' benefits occur only twice.)

Carrying that progression forward, that means that above 96 ranks/+20 TD pushdown, thanks to Enhancives we have space for going up to 150 ranks total... Or in other words:
Ranks delta Benefit

96 +9 +20 extra pushdown
106 +10 +21
116 +10 +22
127 +11 +23
138 +11 +24
150 +12 +25

Estild, can you confirm/refute what any Enhanced ML:Telepathy rank totals does to Song of Depression/1015?
(And, if there is no current benefit for Enhancives above 100, either add as appropriate OR state that no addition will be made [and why].)
