questions, suggestions, requests 12/06/2011 02:35 PM CST
I was just wondering why it is that bard's do not get an armor specialization? Is it because we are too magical, is it that squares don't get enough unique abilities from their guild to make heavy armor desirable, was it an oversight?

I think my bard should get the some armor specialization ranks from 100 armor ranks just as any other open combat fighter would. I'm not saying it has to have some mechanical advantage equal to what squares and paladins can do, but I don't think it unreasonable to think we could use that knowledge of armor to I dunno assess padding levels and magical resistances. Another idea might be to allow bards to add temporary elemental resistances to metal armors, since this would combine our knowledge of elemental magic and our skill at arms it seems a great choice imho.

I really liked the idea of allowing existing instruments to be made into master quality at Ebon Gate this year, but I was very disappointed in its execution. But what can you really expect when you put a goblin in charge of things?

Please, please, please!! offer this service again soon, and limit it to bards only.

Why is it that things like ranger companion alterations and custom nightmares get announced, but sonic raffles you have to guess which day to look in the bard forums to find out? I never seem to see them on the calendar, and I don't think I saw any announcement about them being offered at eg, but I happened to see it offered on Mychus' sign one night. Just curious if its intentional or if the gm in charge of sonic alterations just doesn't usually post announcements.

Bard centered events, I think there should be at least one, I really loved the fact that a handful of items from this latest landing quest have some loresongs, I just wish that was incorporated into more stories. Call in the bard to sense for clues that sort of thing, also I realize we haven't had a spell released in quite some time, but we never seem to get the storylines to go with them and I hope that if we ever get 1050, or even 440 or 450 that the gm's consider focusing some energy on how to introduce it with appropriate fan fare. In my opinion we need a TD raising spell, my TD is slightly worse than a warrior and that makes no sense, given how much more magical bards are supposed to be. Yeah yeah its our achilles heel, but I don't buy that, manuevers are supposed to end pures they still get stuff like temporal reversion and warriors are supposed to be weaker against magic, but between the AvD of plate armor, combat focus, and the ability to wear spirit spells inside places like the rift I feel inadequate... throw us a bone please.

I do want to thank Mychuus for doing a fantastic job on my silver tined fork in just under 4 minutes before a raffle drew very impressive work to be so rushed. I saw some actions added to weapons and armor during Ebon Gate and it got me thinking if the actions available to sonic weapons and armor could be improved/expanded upon. I don't know if actions could be added by individual merchants as a service or if its something that would have to be changed to the messaging for 1009,1012, 1014, and 1025 and would apply to all bards at once. I just think we deserve to be a little flashier in combat.

As far as guild skills go, I don't understand why this won't get done, give us sleight of hand, tumbling, and juggling, the ability to speak or read another language, and the ability to assess weapons and armor for weighting. These are things that do not have to be created and they are not unbalancing, and they are all skills that scream bard.

Well I feel better now that I've purged all those musings,
Re: questions, suggestions, requests 12/06/2011 03:22 PM CST
>Why is it that things like ranger companion alterations and custom nightmares get announced, but sonic raffles you have to guess which day to look in the bard forums to find out? I never seem to see them on the calendar

Every sonic raffle I ran this year was on the calendar, except the ones that rewarded bards for taking Ilsola's Mist Harbor Bard Guild tour. This month's raffles have been up for days and aren't for two more weeks.

Re: questions, suggestions, requests 12/06/2011 03:27 PM CST
Picking & choosing what to add to...

I would love to see expanded actions for sonic equipment. Pipe-dreaming, I'd like to see it as an individual service because after sonic alterations, we all have (I think) pretty variable objects that may not 'fit' with blanket actions.

Definitely would love more chances to get my instruments upgraded to Master as well.

Personally, I'd rather hope for unique guild skills than horn in on what are already kind of established as other guilds' territory. I do definitely covet the abilities of other guilds, but I can't help wanting shiny-new deep down.

How about some more profession verbs in the short term? Demeanor-based dance moves? More hum scripts? More with-a-flourish type movements? Or an unlockable item that's profession-sensing (sort of like the hair baubles, but for bards instead of barbies ;) One or two bard-only CMs, with lots of flashiness?

Bard throws her voice off into the distance, distracting Kenstrom, and then slyly pokes him hard in the back him with her <weapon>!
...5 points of damage!
Kenstrom is enraged!


~Diana, Seomanthe's (much less colorful) keeper