Anyone have suggestions on how many manipulation ranks to have to sing gems to maximum value as a capped bard? Or any other suggestions to avoid shattering gems? Any advice you can provide would be helpful.
High Lord Gravely
Re: Gem Purification Song (1004)
05/15/2016 11:04 PM CDT
I have a 33% reduction in failure rate based on manipulation lore (75 ranks) but only lose between 1 in 50 to 1 in 100 gems in a fresh bag that hasn't had orbs sorted out. Increasing that by [(.67^-1)-1]% would be noticable but not earth shattering. I personally have always assumed my song ranks (99) is what makes up the bulk of my ability to sing to gems.
Re: Gem Purification Song (1004)
05/20/2016 04:18 PM CDT
The way I have always understood it is as follows.
Song ranks determines the message you get depending on the current value of the gem and the value it is purified to.
1-In response to your voice, the gem glows luminously, its crystalline structure reforming as the gem becomes more perfect.
2-As you focus your voice on the gem, the gem hums in response to the resonance of your voice, appearing smoother and more pure in color.
3-As you focus your voice on the gem, the crystalline structure of the gem improves somewhat.
4-As you focus your voice on the gem, you hear it crack loudly and strain under the force of the song.
the following message can happen at any time and indicated the gem has orbed.
As the song continues, the gem begins to twist and turn as the very essence flows into it filling the imperfections.
the following message is shown when a gem is orbed or already at max value
As the gem resonates in response to your voice, you sense that it cannot be purified any further.
Now each of those messages 1-4 have a certain chance to explode. Manipulation lore lessen thats chance Training in Mental Lore, Manipulation reduces the chance of failure when purifying a gem by 3% per seed 1 summation of ranks. according to the wiki.