sonic weapons 12/30/2011 06:11 PM CST
I am just curious.. is it possible to have two different custom sonic alterations for the same spell? like sing custom and then sing custom2 or something?
Re: sonic weapons 12/30/2011 09:25 PM CST
>I am just curious.. is it possible to have two different custom sonic alterations for the same spell? like sing custom and then sing custom2 or something?

Nope, there is one custom setting for each spell. If you want to change what you have, you'd have to win another sonic alteration, and it would completely replace your existing custom.

Re: sonic weapons 12/30/2011 11:24 PM CST
I thought that would be the answer, but figured I should check. I had an idea for like an "evil" weapon and a "good" weapon