Calling all Bards! (And other performers)
08/20/2013 09:08 PM CDT
Looking for a rousing good time? Remember the days when bards crossed the lands, sharing their tales, entertaining the community with song and music in outlandish clothing? Tired of the same old, same old, hum drum existence? Want to be your own person and not someones utility? Do you have a proclivity for frivolity, music and just a plain old enjoyable night? Consider joining Marvelous Menagerie! We meet once a week and spend our evening talking, laughing, singing, spouting off the occasional poem and the nightly hunt (sometimes two!) Do you have what it takes? Let's find out!
1. Must be willing to meet once a week with the rest of the troupe, for a few hours. Other play is optional.
2. Must be willing to play an instrument, preferably two. Any kind is acceptable.
3. This group is highly RP centered. We expect you to interact with us and those around us. If you are thinking of making a bard to level by joining this group, this group is not for you.
4. Regarding clothing. Think bright and colorful and flamboyant. If you prefer drab and dull, suit and tie, frilly dress and heels. We are probably not for you.
5. One last thing. The identity of the player behind the bard remains anonymous except to the leader. So if you are worried that someone might find out that your straight-laced character's soul is moonlighting as an ale-drinking bardic wench, have no fear!
Have we tickled your fancy yet? Have you always dreamed of playing the gypsy fortuneteller? Maybe a juggler who sings while he performs? The only limit here is your imagination of what you'd like to be. Interested parties please send a courier to my play.net or IM me and let's talk!
Disclaimer: Not responsible for spontaneous laughing that may occur during the course of the evenings play. If you find yourself laughing too hard, please walk away - catch your breath - and then come back.
Bard encouraged to apply. Non-Bards invited to apply with appropriate act in mind. Thank you.
Dhe'nari Scrollwarrior of Icemule Trace
AIM Scrollwarrior