Unfortunately the Hut is another well done creative in the Katana saga that has been ruined by scripter's and MA's. The Quest weekend was ruined when people poached and kept killing those who patiently waited and tried to group share and forage for truffles. I always enjoy spending time with younger players but having to bring Sun in to sit as chaperoen with younger players to avoid such behaviour really is not any characters responisibilty in a Quest, it's Gemstone's. That it's here 'indefinitely' does not abdicate their responsibility to respond quickly to address players who are killing others participating in a Quest to solve what was a really well done puzzle.
The Hut is just a fitting end. The lore of the Katana says its a unique blade for the worthy that takes time and practice to master and forge a unique bond with it's owner. That the Weaponsmith in the Hut would make more than one in a short time for anyone and that those made are not attuned just underscores that it's design was not for player's seeking to develope a character to role play the skill but for the profiteer's, scripter's and MA's Gemstone prefer's. If you want to role play and build good characters that interact with others and not just themselves, folks who are frustrated with this need ask themselves if Gemstone is Worthy of their time.